Ed Begley Jr. has a Nice Day w/Mox

Episode 31 February 03, 2025 02:07:11
Ed Begley Jr. has a Nice Day w/Mox
Monday Night Fake Fights
Ed Begley Jr. has a Nice Day w/Mox

Feb 03 2025 | 02:07:11


Hosted By

Garak Tailor

Show Notes

Garak Tailor (She/They) Welcomes Mox (they/he/she/I/my/we/our) to the commentary table to go over the April 1st, 1996 episodes of WCW Monday Nitro and WWE's Monday Night Raw.

Nitro has a rough day at the Office, Bobby Heenan quits Broadcast Journalism, and MANKIND ARRIVES TO GIVE BID US ALL A NICE DAY!


as always a general CW: Wrestling is an industry of Monsters and the 90's wasnt exactly a paradise of inclusivity. This is a one two punch of a topic. There will inevitably be brushing against hard subjects.
That being said Chuds get the Goozle.
have fun sickos
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: The following is from Ghost Coast Studios, the world's first and only podcast network. [00:00:06] Speaker B: Oh they want me dead. He is selling like Nancy Pelosi after a hot stock tip. Welcome back to Monday Night Fake Fights where I'm Garrett Taylor she they am doing a re watch of the Monday night wars and continuing through the horrors persisting to make it your problem. This week's steamy victims are hey remarks. [00:00:45] Speaker A: They them we are plural system. You'll probably get a little bit confused but it'll be a lot of fun. [00:00:51] Speaker B: We are yes. That's fantastic. I love that. It's like it's your the pronouns but also just a statement of fact. Yes I am so excited to have you on Mox Other I'm continuing my my little run of of non derogatory Blue Sky Elder tms. I had the posts, now I have the mocks. [00:01:20] Speaker A: You had Remon. [00:01:21] Speaker B: I have Remon. A couple episodes ago we had rem. We had the the entire Council of rem. [00:01:27] Speaker A: That's fantastic. Yeah like cut clips of Sages episode but didn't didn't see that one come through. Awesome. [00:01:35] Speaker B: Sage was also fun. So yes continuing down the line y'all might Troy McClure y'all might know Mox as the the folks that bring you the weekend Craig the fantastic elephant thread and all manners of artistic goodness that I adore. So I am so happy to have you here. Yes, yes you do. And you make my day brighter on on a regular basis. So I'm happy to have you here and for everyone else we just talked about but we'll try not to confuse the mocks with producer Cat Mox as much as possible. But yeah, welcome to Problemac 90s Wrestling for April 1st of 1996. What if what if any we talked about a little bit. Do you have as a history of wrestling, of fan laps fan, anything of that nature? [00:02:32] Speaker A: Definitely wasn't definitely wasn't a fan like was a let's see it's April 1st name so was about 10 at that point and so being a you know, 10 year old boy in the mid-90s like you're aware of of wrestling right and not be. Yeah knew the you know, knew the broad strokes. Probably had a Hulk Hogan figure somewhere in all of the you know, piles and piles of action figures or whatever. [00:03:05] Speaker B: They issued them to us. Yes. [00:03:08] Speaker A: Yeah just check in in first grade. [00:03:11] Speaker B: Here's your theory. [00:03:14] Speaker A: But yeah so there's some, you know, random episodes seem you know, either flipping channels when you know nothing else to do or had a couple of Friends who were pretty into it. And, you know, we'd watch some episodes and always had a little bit of trouble, like biting down on some of the stuff. Like actually one of them, like one of the like most memorable things when it comes to wrestling as a kid, there's some episode. I don't know if it's already happened in the timeline or if it is going to happen later, but it has to do with the Undertaker. And one of these episodes that we over to a friend's house, we sat down. He was so excited to watch wrestling. And it was like the Undertaker showed whoever he was going to be fighting at WrestleMania his own body in a coffin. And they were like selling it as like this big important, like intimidation move. [00:04:19] Speaker B: And that just happened. [00:04:22] Speaker A: It's like, yeah. And like in my head it's like, okay, like wrestling is fake. Yeah, sure. Okay. But it's like I kind of draw the line at necromancy. [00:04:31] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [00:04:32] Speaker A: Disbelief. Like it's one thing, it's like, oh, wow, these guys are actually fighting. You know, you can pretend, but like when you say like, this man is a necromancer, it's like, all right. No, no, he's not. [00:04:43] Speaker B: Big Daddy Cool had his Luke Skywalker in the cave moment. Yeah. Yeah. [00:04:52] Speaker A: So just general, you know, broad strokes, things like that. New kind of just kind of became a mess during this era. Yeah. [00:05:02] Speaker B: Generally speaking, as did, you know, the country society. [00:05:08] Speaker A: Basically kind of like aged out of the, you know, at least that super prime 10 year old audience. By the time like, you know, like the Rock and stuff started coming along. [00:05:21] Speaker B: They tried to come with. They tried to come with us and some of us went along for that ride. [00:05:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:27] Speaker B: Because this, this, I mean, we can get into it. Raw is I. I will say I'm feeling attitudinal Raw. Like this is. I feel like the Attitude era is upon us. But I will ask y'all because it's tradition, would you like to start with meat or veggies? Would you like your Nitro or Raw first? [00:05:47] Speaker A: Let's see. We watched it. We watched Raw first and then Nitro. Have some thoughts on both. But. [00:05:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:05:56] Speaker A: What'S funny is Nitro felt a lot more raw in terms of production quality. [00:06:05] Speaker B: It had some shining spots. Yeah. Yeah. A little undercooked, but it had a rough week. It really did. [00:06:14] Speaker A: It was immediately thrown, like, kept rewinding or looking for a different link because it like starts this episode or maybe we had the wrong. It's like it starts like in the middle of a fight. [00:06:27] Speaker B: Yeah. No, it's in media res. All right, I think we're starting with Nitro. This is how we're going. Yeah, I love it. It's organic, folks. [00:06:37] Speaker A: In the middle of a fight. [00:06:39] Speaker B: And so basically. [00:06:40] Speaker A: Wait, what's happening? So that went back and watched Raw first, thinking, like, maybe there's something here that we. No, there wasn't anything. [00:06:49] Speaker B: It was like a hidden clue. [00:06:52] Speaker A: Figure it out. [00:06:54] Speaker B: Sometimes they do that. Yeah, no, there's no intro. We hop right into the giant pointing his finger at Stinger menacingly and. Yeah, right. Jimmy Hart outside, up to no good. Sting looks awesome. He's like black and neon and spits a giant's face. And I'm just like, I don't know what's going on, guys, but I'm so here for this. No idea what's going on and no one else does. They tried to tell us. I guess Jimmy Hart paid off. Harlem Heat. It was supposed to be a tag match, and it was very. [00:07:23] Speaker A: Give you, like, this, like, recap of, like, hey, here's what happened when you weren't watching, as though it's our fault. It's like, no, you didn't have cameras on, dog. [00:07:33] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. What's going on here, Buds? Like, you know, you could. Like, yeah, you're live, but, like, you can control this. [00:07:39] Speaker A: Hey, slackers. You weren't paying attention, but here's what happened. It's like, no, it was watching Raw. This is your fault. [00:07:47] Speaker B: Yeah, because I thought it was messed up because he came in all up. No, I bet you. I bet you any money. All right, we're gonna keep going in chronological order, I swear, listeners. But there are so many moments throughout this episode of Nitro where I'm just like, they're on their back foot. Like, they up. Something's up. And I think you're helping me put this together, folks, that this is kinda. I feel like they. They started late or they started early. Like, they started the show earlier than. Than the time was on for the airing because they were live and they're like, we have. [00:08:21] Speaker A: They, like, they did that for, like, straight. [00:08:24] Speaker B: Nitro is straight live. Raw is also live this week. Nitro is live every week. That's what gives them the advantage, usually because Raw only does live after a pay per View and WrestleMania was last night in our timeline. So, like, it's like that. That's what we're getting. That's why they're alive. And Vince is just jazzed because his boy toy won. And, yeah, we'll get there. We'll get There. So, yeah, apparently there was some payoff. So, yeah, that happened because they up the timing if this match is all right. Yeah. [00:08:57] Speaker A: So obviously it's mid-90s. Everything is problematic at this time, and as though it's not still an American alter, but having nothing. Had, you know, much experience with wrestling and stuff, and definitely having not seen anything in two decades or whatever, the first thing we see is the black wrestlers take a bribe. [00:09:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:22] Speaker A: Was just like, okay. Like, we're like, really jumping in, aren't we? [00:09:27] Speaker B: Like, okay, it's. It's gonna get so much worse in the future. There is a team in the WWF called Crime Time, and it's. That's exactly what you're thinking. Yeah. Rest in peace. The Shad, he died, like, trying to save his kid from drowning. It's. It's a sad story, right? Wrestling is full of tragedy. Welcome to my fun show, folks. Again, like I said, the horrors persist. And we're like, bet, you know, we got. We live through horrors. It was called 1996 Wrestling. I've seen. [00:10:01] Speaker A: You wouldn't believe. [00:10:02] Speaker B: I've seen brother moments like you wouldn't believe, folks. So, yeah. In the meantime, though, this match, surprisingly for me, kind of really hard from the start. Like, Stinger does a shoulder chop to a leg from the top row rope. So he's like, basically doing a swan dive, like, header at the mat. He manages to pull it off, and I'm like, all right, that was pretty cool. Right off the bat. Within two minutes. [00:10:31] Speaker A: That, like, jumped out was. So. It was like, immediately a lot more energized. Like, like I said, like, we started nitro, and then, because it seemed like the time was wrong, went back and watched RAW and then jumped back into nitro. Yeah. And immediately was like, whoa, this is. This is. [00:10:49] Speaker B: It's like, it really is. [00:10:51] Speaker A: And like, it was this weird. Hot, cold, hot. Because it was like, hot. Like, we're jumping in. It's like, wow, this is energetic. Whatever. And then there was immediately, like, a couple, like, very clearly poorly choreographed or, like, poorly made shots and, you know, just taking a hit that definitely did not land at all, like, six feet away from your face. And you're like, oh, no, it hurts. [00:11:14] Speaker B: Yeah, everyone's. The camera guys are off. You know what I mean? Because, like, that's. This is like, sometimes that's what wrestling looks like in person. Yeah. [00:11:22] Speaker A: I mean, that's the thing about live tv, right? [00:11:25] Speaker B: And, like, sometimes that's what it looks like in person. You miss a shot. But, like, the camera angle is supposed to hide that. It's like. It's like magic, you know, like. Like performance magic. It's part of it is how you're. The angle at which you're viewing the. Where are you looking? [00:11:41] Speaker A: Where are you putting the camera? Where's everybody gonna be? [00:11:43] Speaker B: Nitro has been just that up all week this week. But it's a fun match, though. [00:11:50] Speaker A: Yeah, it was a lot of fun. And it was like. There was a lot of moments where I'm like, all right, this is. This. They're fucking. They're doing it. This is. And then there's moments where, like, what the. Was that? Like. [00:12:02] Speaker B: Yeah, and. And kind of like the finish of it just Lex shows up to, like, have his back and like, the. The ref just like, throws it out and it's like, okay, what the. Even. [00:12:11] Speaker A: What Sort of like a movie in the 70s, it just sort of ends. [00:12:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Speaking of movies in the 70s, they Tarantino US because then we come back from commercial and we see the footage of Jimmy Hart doing a hate crime by paying off Harlem Heat. And. And like, what the. It's so weird. And then finally we get our first look at the boys, and Pepe is a leopard print cowboy outfit that honestly just looks great. I love that. That so much. [00:12:39] Speaker A: That was something else. Was not prepared for a tiny dog in a cowboy hat. [00:12:44] Speaker B: I really, really love catching people off guard with Mongo. This huge football player with his little, like, Paris Hilton lap dog. Pleases me to know it. [00:12:55] Speaker A: I mean. Yeah. They cut to the booth and just like, what the am I looking at here? [00:13:00] Speaker B: Okay, let's Motley crew is what that is. Yeah. [00:13:07] Speaker A: And like in the middle of the episode or I guess. I mean, I don't know how chronologically we're planning on going, but like the try. But just like all of a sudden, mid fight, just a random non sequitur. Just Bobby's like, and I quit. [00:13:25] Speaker B: Yep. Yeah. No. Oh, oh, we'll get there. Oh, that's fun thing. That's a fun thing. All right. Oh, me. As was I. And it. We find it was on purpose. But Nitro keeps up the pace and the banger level, basically, because we come back to triangle egg match. [00:13:41] Speaker A: Yeah, stuff like that's happening. And they're talking over each other and like, yeah, we'll get back to it. Whatever the hell you're talking about. Like, we'll get back to that. Take a look at this hit. [00:13:53] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, They're. Everyone's like, on one, basically. But as far as the booking too, like, we come back and It's a three way tag match with the Legion of Doom, the Steiner Brothers and the Nasty Boys. Like three of the biggest dudes they have Y. Even though the nasties are big in different ways and not they don't hit astronauts but like I'm thinking like WCW has the opposite problem like of the tag team division at the Fed because like we'll. We'll talk about it when we get there. The tag team division at the WWF is not great right now and a lot of it is that like guys that these are all guys who were in the WWF and now are here and it's like oh well now I understand why all of his guys left and is awesome over here. Bobby Bobby asked what what's up? [00:14:42] Speaker A: Yeah, I was curious like what is the breakdown? Because like obviously you know no like Hulk and whatnot. Like obviously used to be WWF guys. How did they end up here? Like oh like honestly the only like real breakdowns we know in terms of like it's like Robert Evans is like behind the bastards gives enough but it's like. Or it's like 90 of our wrestling knowledge in terms. [00:15:14] Speaker B: And he did he. He only had six episodes. He could scratch it. That's the thing. This is why I make a podcast you guys. Is that like there's so much and I need to know so like. But it became kind of the mantra of understanding the Monday night wars which is what we are watching is that these two competing companies are fighting each other live for like viewers every Monday. And like that's an actual like war. They're going after these two billionaires trying to screw each other with wrestling. But like the overall what net, what. [00:15:51] Speaker A: Networks were each of them on? [00:15:53] Speaker B: So Raw was on USA I think at the okay. And TNT was nitro. So Turner Turner had WCW and Vince owns the Fed and and contracts out to usa. They switch around a lot that they're now they're on Netflix and it's a ordeal but it makes it. I'm sorry, the fact that they're doing all this with Netflix makes making this show so like I'm gonna be pissy about it. So but long story. Yeah long story short, all of this comes down to the that one time a long time ago making a movie about wrestling called no bard. Vince McMahon and Terry Hulk Hogan Balea did a lot of cocaine and steroids together and they and they got together and they became best friends over their love of poop jokes and assaulting women and and and and the business of professional wrestling. And they became best Buddies. And they. They got together and they made a bunch of money over. You get. You take a real big guy and Hulk Hogan slams. The real big guy goes yay, America. And we make millions of dollars. And it worked at one time. So we're just going to keep doing it over and over and over and over again still until it stops working. And then it started. Yeah, right. And then it started to kind of stop working a little bit. And it's like, oh, and. And. And Vince is like, well I gotta find new Hulk Hogan. And Terry is like, brother, like, like it is the kind of thing where like vin it. Who's gonna first? Yeah, right. And more or less they they they. 69. And long story short. Yeah, long story short, Ultimate Warrior never happened, unfortunately for Vince. And he ends up going into like a bunch of like the worst years of business they have. We started our show in the biggest lull in the history of the company pretty much because Hulk leaves he him back and like he leaves and goes to his competitor Turner, who had just bought wcw. And Turner used his money to get a big paycheck for Hulk. And even better, he gave him guaranteed money, which is a thing that does not happen in wrestling. They are independent contractors. There is no guaranteed money. And Vince would. That's not that Vince makes money by fleecing talent this way. [00:18:18] Speaker A: Sure. [00:18:18] Speaker B: So like he did that and he gave. This is the kicker. And what would ultimately be one of many reasons why WCW lost the war. They gave Hulk Hogan final creative control on. On him. And like in Hulk Hogan sucks butt in like in not the fun way. And he's an egotistical racist piece of. And it leads to just some of the most reactions ridiculous things being on television. Because brother, it's in my contract. I gotta go home. [00:18:52] Speaker A: So is his pivot down the line to Hollywood. That's his own decision. [00:18:58] Speaker B: It's. It's a. It's a mix. It's a mix. What's been fun about our. You're on your episode 31. What's been fun about our journey so far is that for a while there it worked because he went to WCW and he's like. He took all the Hulkamaniacs with him. People still loved Hulk and they love seeing him against other people that they haven't seen him yet. It's like that. That fun new thing. What if my favorite guy could fight my favorite guy from over here? That was never supposed to happen. It's like when Spider man came in the Civil War movie. You know, it's like Oh, I never thought this was go down. We're getting Hogan flair again. I'm not against. So, like, this is fantastic. And everyone liked it for a while, but unfortunately, Hulk sucks. The people running WCW at the time sucked. Guy named Jim literally, like, ran a pizza company before this. That's like, how he made his money. And, like, he's had no. No purpose being in. In charge of wrestling and Hulk having final say. And, like, the book, the booking. So the people who write the show, basically who book the matches, they're like. They're called the booker. So, like, booking was all over the place and it was just a mess. So, like, after a while, we got to where we are now where they're like. They gave it to this new Eric Bischoff guy, the middle chuckle and the boys. And he's starting to turn it around. He's like, give me a show that goes head to head against Vincent and I'll watch him. And that's what started the war and why we're. What we're watching on the show. But it's still this liminal space where people are tired of Hulk Hogan for the most part. Like, he gets a lot of cheers, but he's not Hulkamania anymore. [00:20:35] Speaker A: Yeah, that much you can tell. Like, that much could re. You know, just, you know, even coming into it cold, even just knowing enough to remember that Hulkamanius was such a thing. Right. And then seeing the way the crowd reacts and whatnot was definitely not what we remember from being like a little kid. [00:21:03] Speaker B: It's very stale at this point. [00:21:05] Speaker A: And that's what leads to the Hollywood. [00:21:07] Speaker B: Thing is they go, you know, they're gonna boo you, then we're gonna have to make you a heel. [00:21:11] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And that's just that, like, no greater, like, representation of it than just that fine curtain of golden threads. That is what's left of his hair. Yeah, it's just a very thin, like, you know, those beaded curtains. You're not really hiding anybody, but, you know, it's just there he's bringing. [00:21:38] Speaker B: He brings new levels to scull it. But to sum it up like, the whole war is the fact that. That they scorned each other. And now Vince is trying to rub his new Hulk Hogan's in. In Terry's face. And Terry's trying to be like, I don't need you. I don't miss you, brother. And doing all this stuff in wcw, and they're just fighting back and forth. It's a lover's quarrel is what it is. And. And that and it makes for from damn fine TV sometimes. So, yeah, speaking of, Bobby asks what the rules are about this. Back to the match we're talking about. That was a fun tangent. And Eric's like, there are no rules. But like at their no, there are rules. And like Bob Mago and Bobby are like, no, dude, there, there's rules. Mago's like, no, they could take anyone. He's like, thanks, that's all I wanted to know. And they're like reaching across the Bischoff aisle. They normally hate each other, but they're like, Eric's acting really weird tonight. He is. I bet you it's because they had a up production and he was just nervous as. But yeah, but the match is basically as advertised. It's Steiners and LOD doing their. And they're used to, they're known for working stiff in like that and like thus, like really laying in the hits, you know, more than you might need to. So this is like brutal wrestling. But suddenly this is, this is very important. I, I, I couldn't pay attention to the match anymore. I saw a sign in the. That kind of changes history for me. So I'm sure you're aware of Austin316. Yeah. [00:23:10] Speaker A: Yes. [00:23:10] Speaker B: How could you not be? We, we were roughly the same age, it sounds like. So it's like, so that hasn't happened yet. That happens at King of the ring in 1996. So that hasn't happened yet. Now we have seen John 316 signs in the crowd because that's a thing people evangelicals were doing. They were doing everywhere. Everywhere. And, and for the longest time it was like, okay, well, that's like, all right, Austin316 kicked your ass. Well, in, during this match, in the crowd, someone holds up a Pillman 316 for Brian Pillman. And I was just, I got chills. Like he blamed the bit for a different wrestler. And I was like, I've never caught that. [00:23:55] Speaker A: It's like a glimpse into, it's like a glimpse into an alternate dimension. [00:23:59] Speaker B: Yes. [00:24:00] Speaker A: Bears sort of thing. [00:24:01] Speaker B: Yes, absolutely. It was like, what happened? Like, what the. Oh, this is so wild. But like this match is whatever, it's fun. It's it. Like I said, as advertised, it went on too long. It was really bad. Like, Brian Knob seems to ex eat clotheslines from various st. And there's a lot of that. We go to commercial with Scooter Boy doing a Steiner. And I will say that, right. Brian Knobs credit. He has a great bulldog and he took like Plex, his brothers didn't die. So like, that's impressive because, like, I have a similar type, Ryan Knobs. And I. I'm pretty sure I'd die if I took flex from noted transphobe Rick Steiner. [00:24:50] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, like, that was the other, like, you know, in that era and stuff. There was kind of two, like being on Schoolyard and whatnot. It was like, in terms of people being wrestling fans or not. And it's like there was the, oh, wrestling's all fake and yada, yada, yada, and. But then there was like that secret third thing, different than the other two, which was like, yeah, it's fake, but holy. Like, that's impressive that they can get thrown from 30ft, you know, like they can just get bodied over and over and over again and get up and doing it, people. [00:25:28] Speaker B: It's the po. That's the power of pharmaceutical medicine and the fighting spirit. Yes. And. And as it's. It's a good segue because, like, as I'm typing that there's not much going on in this match. It's. And like, Brian Knobs, like, is doing all right. He, Rick Steiner goes to give him a belly to belly suplex off the top rope and instead Lod hits both of them and sends them tumbling to the outside in the ugliest way possible. [00:25:57] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:57] Speaker B: And like Knobs is like an inch from losing his eye to the steel steps. And I was like, holy this. That is. Wow. Knobs. And then in all of the confusion of this. This is amazing. This is why I love wrestling. I am cackling. I love this shit so hard. Public Enemy, which is like the ECW hardcore version of Nasty Boys, basically attacks the Nasty Boys and one of them is dressed as Knobs, rolls into the ring and lets himself get pinned. So they lose. Mago calls them the anti knobs. And I'm just like, oh, God. [00:26:37] Speaker A: But the thing was like, we were talking about like the camera and stuff like that. It didn't get caught. [00:26:44] Speaker B: Well, like, you didn't see what was. [00:26:48] Speaker A: Going on over and it's just like, wait, what happened? And he needed to find out from a replay. Meanwhile, if you know, if there was some very basic stage direction and like the directing team knew that this was going to happen, they would have had a camera like even just pointed at the ring, like just Eric Bischoff. [00:27:10] Speaker B: The mock syndicates coming for your head 30, 30 years later. Like, you up, boy. You up. [00:27:20] Speaker A: It was a really close ending, but you missed it, you know, but we were just like, at the beginning of the episode, like we didn't get to find out that this bribe had happened until now. Oh, there was some sneaky ending. It's like, well, what was it? You were showing me something else. [00:27:39] Speaker B: Everybody's off. It's like the camera guys are off by like 30 seconds. Like off sync, you know, like it's not matching up lips, you know. Oh, that's so wild. But I mean it was a great match. Otherwise it just went on too long. 20 minutes in though, and I'm. I'm really loving Nitro. But then they threatened me with Hulk Hogan and the Bootyman versus Boston Bob. Kevin Sullivan and the Enforcer Arson. No silly name for Arne Anderson because I like the cut of his jib and I'm to his Glock me, which is a thing he did theoretically to Cody. They come out unfortunately to the dungeon of doom in Sanderson's Horseman. Bad for you because it's really a banger and a half. It's like I was like, oh, Mox didn't get Horseman theme. That's sad. But Woman and Liz are out and they look amazing as usual. I will say we're talking about how shitty the production was. I did enjoy that there was like. Did you catch the yellow light lens flare from the camera operator to kick off Hoen Hogan's entrance? No. Oh, it's a shame. Like that's a fine eye to detail wasted on Terry Bolia and Ed Leslie. And it was like the one really good production thing, the whole show. And then they just up the rest. [00:28:54] Speaker A: Of the night scribbling down some notes as we went. One of them that is highlighted is. Is her name seriously just Woman? [00:29:04] Speaker B: Yes, her name is Woman. I've had to tell that. I had to explained this last week too. Kevin Sullivan, Boston Bob as I call him, would had like a devil cult worship faction in a Florida wrestling promotion. And he's married to Woman. Her name at this time is Nancy Sullivan and they like her name in the stable was just like Woman. Like this is Woman. And like it was like very like primal and like dark and satanic, you know. And she's just, she's Woman and she's like one of the best valets to ever do it. Unfortunately she becomes Nancy Benoit and is killed by Chris Benoit. One of the most horrific things to ever happen in the history of wrestling. Yeah, so like what? Woman on is one of my all time favorites and has like one worst ends in a business full of bad ends. But yes, Kimberly Page has, has been Called the Booty Babe. And like I said, I, I feel bad for her, but her outfit at least looks amazing because it's like if Luigi was a sexy lady Power ranger in the 90s was how I put it before I cut her, I was like, okay, I kind of have respect for that and also, you know, redacted. So, yeah, that was one of the. [00:30:27] Speaker A: Other things that the other notes that I wrote down is if we need to hear the word bootyman one more. Goddam. [00:30:34] Speaker B: It literally happened to me where I was just watching it and one of them said bootyman and I just started giggling like, God damn it, dude. [00:30:41] Speaker A: It just, it became. They said it so many times that you know how you just say a word over and over again, it loses all meaning. Like you just say the word spoon 15 times in a row, you become convinced that it's no longer a word. Booty man is going to be echoing through the halls of our mind for the next month and a half, you. [00:31:02] Speaker B: Know, And I think that, like, the more times Ed Leslie said it to himself, the less meaning he had in wrestling. And I feel bad for him because he used to be a proud gay barber. From what I can tell in the Fed, he was the Brutus of the barber beefcake. So like, oh, how the mighty have fallen. Speaking of the mighty falling, this is where we get to the point where we come back from commercial and Bobby says he's retiring from broadcasting. And Mago just says goodbye, which is a good bit. Everyone just kind of seems non plus like he's crying wolf. And like Mago says it's his last night till next week. And I was just like, I feel like this is going to lead to a storyline or something, but whatever happening. [00:31:51] Speaker A: I. Yeah, wrote down like, Bobby Keenan is just quitting question mark. What in the name of Question mark is my note. [00:31:58] Speaker B: Yeah. And I was like, well, I know he doesn't. So what. What's going on here? So I was like, even my moats, I was like, keep an eye on that Garrick. Like, Bobby's up to something. Bobby's up to something weasily. And he's also on fire tonight because Bootyman and Hogan lock arms over each other's shoulders and hit a double big boot on Taskmaster. And this is where I'm trying not to laugh too loud. It's late Bobby Heenan, king of the haters and Hogan, and his is his number one target. He says, that is the two ugliest Rockettes I've ever seen. And I lost my. I had to pause it. And my kid was like, what's matter? I'm like, you understand how funny this was? Eric says that Bobby Heenan is on one on his last night. And I was like, yes, he's of losing it, you know? So like, okay, maybe he really is quitting. This match is a slight variation on something that WCW does a lot, which is legends get their in in various combinations. So I'm like, I've like, kind of just dozed out and just like, give commentary my full attention because Bobby is apparently having his last night on nitro. And I love Bobby. So I was like, I'm paying attention to Bobby. I don't give a. About the Booty Man. Someone. Oh, I do have to say though, as soon as I type that down, Mago says something flat horrendous. He says that someone should go tear that dress off the Booty Babe. But that might be too racy for tv. [00:33:24] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:33:25] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:33:28] Speaker A: Like this, this. This whole segment and kind of the whole episode, it, it. It was a. The cavalcade of people committing to bits even though everyone around them is not biting. [00:33:42] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [00:33:44] Speaker A: You got. You've got Bobby, quote, unquote, retiring, and no one's biting on the bit, but he keeps going at it so that he can eventually have a payoff. Right? Yeah, you've got the someone. You know, I don't. It might be too racy for tv. He does that several times. Something along that, like, says something along that. Trying to get someone to riff with him on it. [00:34:07] Speaker B: Yeah. But it ain't happening. [00:34:09] Speaker A: No one bites. And so he makes the joke again, like in 30 seconds or a minute. It's like, right, guys? Like, it'd be great if someone ripped her dress off, right? Like, no, we're not gonna say that on television. [00:34:21] Speaker B: Stop saying that on television. Somewhere Vince is going, yeah, that sounds great. Write that down. I like that. Like, you're giving it away. And as if they knew. As if they knew that Kimberly was being done wrong and dirty by the boys, the crowd starts a Booty Babe chant. And it was my favorite part of this whole match is like, they're chanting for Booty Babe. I'm like, all right, that's worth it. But I'm. I'm just getting fully bored with this. And then Hulk does his thing, boots everyone. And then I was like, okay, how. How are we gonna get the ending? Because it's Hulk. Like I said, he has to have the ending because he. No one can. Can beat him clean. And no one else wants to necessarily lose to him. So it has to be something weird. And they have this thing going where woman likes to have people use her shoe to kill people. It's, it's kind of hard, you know, so it's, it's a thing. So there's a distraction. Kevin gets woman's heel to stab Hulk again. But at the same time, the booty babe gives Hulk a platform heel. Brother like power. [00:35:24] Speaker A: They, everybody knows that. You know, we've all been on the playground. We know platform beats heal. [00:35:29] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's heavier. Yeah. It's physics. It's physics. It's more velocity, that's more weight. You know, it totally makes sense to me. And I'm not sure you're probably not terribly familiar with modern wrestling, but there is a, a woman name of timeless Toni Storm, who believes herself to be an old timey actress. And she always likes to say, remember everyone, remember ladies, chin up, tits out, and watch for the shoe. And I just instantly was like, I hope she's like, smiling somewhere and seeing these guys come at each other in the middle of the ring with two shoes. And like Hulk blocks the heel and hits them with the platform. And I'm like, tony Storm, Tony star. Someday your, your day will come, my lady. And it was just so weird. Like, I'm pleased Hulk gets a victory. Whatever. They go again. They do this thing. This is another one. I took note. They up mox. They go to replay. But then they excitedly go, no, go back to the ring. They're still fighting. They're still fighting. And then go right back to the replay. And it was like. [00:36:40] Speaker A: And then at the end, you know, after the, the match is done, they have the, you know, they're like teasing something upcoming. [00:36:48] Speaker B: Oh, God. Oh. When they're talking to Gene when they do the, the screaming boy talk. Yeah. [00:36:53] Speaker A: And it is like, I mean, we're talking about like, gaps in production quality and no one's talking to anybody. No one's making any. You know, like, there's so much improv going on in the ring right now. [00:37:05] Speaker B: Like, you've got which is part of wrestling, but. [00:37:10] Speaker A: Absolutely. But like, Hogan is carrying that bit, like is things and like trying to like, pass the mic and nothing or nothing. That makes sense. And Hogan's like, all right, I do. All right, brother. Like, I'm gonna keep talking for a bit. [00:37:28] Speaker B: Wait, Hulk Hogan carrying Ed Leslie in a wrestling situation? No way. That's, that's literally their whole careers. I, I, I feel bad hating on Ed Leslie because, like, his biggest, he just Made so many mistakes. Most of them were being friends with them, Terry Valea, but also he made mistakes telling us that something's going to turn the tables and bring a little satisfaction. And he just needs Terry to be his brother next week. Week. Because he has a super secret Bootyman match. And then he again says satisfaction. And I'm like, is it a Mick Jagger match? What is. What are we. I don't know what is going on. It's not good. [00:38:13] Speaker A: And like, does the. Like. It was so frustrating, all right, Watching this, obviously, coming in with. Obviously we hadn't watched last week's or whatever and we're not gonna watch two weeks from now or whenever it picks back up or whatever. So we're just blind. And there's this cliffhanger ending, right, of just some sort of super secret type of match coming up. That is there's no information given as to what it's going to be. Which, fine, if that's like part of, you know, the story, right? [00:38:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:38:49] Speaker A: But it seems like the booth doesn't have any idea, right? And it doesn't seem like they don't have any idea, right? It doesn't seem like they know, but they're trying to pretend and amp up. They seem to honestly have no idea what the Bootyman is talking about, which. [00:39:07] Speaker B: I mean, I don't. This is honestly the Sierra thing is this is the first time that Bootyman, Ed Leslie, as Bootyman, has talked on the mic as far as I can remember. And this is what happened. [00:39:20] Speaker A: It's like if I'm the director, right, you know, like mapping out this, this night and obviously there's going to be slips and there's going to be improv and there's going to be all sorts of vamping and whatnot. At least, hey, main character is going to talk about future thing. That's going to be, you know, like, here's all you need to know. There will be a secret, whatever. [00:39:41] Speaker B: Here's just. [00:39:43] Speaker A: Just pretend, you know, like you're not going to know what it is, but really amp it up. But they seem to not even just be amping it up. They just seem to be like, what the fuck is he talking about? What sort of secret match is he talking about? We don't know. The audience doesn't know. The booth doesn't know. It seems like Hogan doesn't even know. No one knows. [00:40:01] Speaker B: It's like they're trying to build a wall, like a long wall, but they only have the 20 bricks and. Yeah. So they just keep bringing the bricks. From the backside over to the front to try to, like, see it's going somewhere. And it's like, I don't know. But like, what do you. What, what are y'all going. I mean, we'll find out next week. Well, two weeks from now, because there's no nitro next week. That makes me sad. [00:40:29] Speaker A: Did you ever see the. The, like, one of the early SNL digital shorts? It was like the PSA for peyote. [00:40:37] Speaker B: No. [00:40:38] Speaker A: Okay. The whole bit is a dude is, like, standing on an edge and, like, his buddy's talking up at him like. [00:40:46] Speaker B: Don'T do it, don't do it. [00:40:47] Speaker A: And whatever. And then eventually the payoff is he's on, like, just a curb. [00:40:52] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:40:52] Speaker A: It's just camera trick. Like, it's just like the way it's framed and makes it look like he's gonna jump off a building, but he's just on a curb. And that's what this whole, like, cliffhanger ending feels like. It's like just bootyman standing on a curve. [00:41:08] Speaker B: It might be. I. I look for. I will let you know next week whether or not he is on. He was just on the curb. So, like. Oh, yeah. So speaking of nonsense, though, it's a Ric Flair match walking. We're talking about cocaine and beer is the walking bag of cocaine. We. It's the main event. Yeah. Woo. Indeed. It's a world title match versus the total package of hot dogs, Lex Luger. And we'll see how this goes because, like, Lex already has two belts. He wants to be Lexi. Three belts, apparently. And there you go. [00:41:46] Speaker A: It's a little bit confused as to the ranks. Right? [00:41:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:41:49] Speaker A: Trying to get Flair's belt right. To get three belts. But how come Flair can't get Lex's two belts? [00:41:56] Speaker B: Because it wasn't booked that way. Damn it. There in. Kay. They'd be like, well, the commissioners, the. The title commission, the championship commission, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, they just said, blah, blah, blah, that we can't. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Look at the. Look at the dog. Look at the dog. Like the dog. This. Got a little cowboy hat. Woo. See? All right. Look at the bird. All right, wait. So, yeah, they don't think about it too hard, you know. [00:42:22] Speaker A: How come. How come Rick's the only one putting anything into the pot here? Right down at a poker table. You don't get to just, hey, if I win this hand, I get your house. Okay. What do I get? Nothing. [00:42:36] Speaker B: Nothing. I'm. Well, if I'm. If I'm trying to think of it from Rick's perspective. He has the world title. He has the ladies. He has half of Macho Man's money. He has Macho Man's ex wife. What does he need with your US Title? You know, like, so, like, he doesn't care and he's gonna beat you anyways, you know, so, like. Yeah, exactly. It's the whole thing. But, like, not everyone loves Rick because this lady, Rick goes to try to get some love from the fans and in the crowd, and this lady in a Mickey Mouse shirt and the most amazing glasses is just screaming at Flair that Lex is gonna kick his ass. And I just love. I love wrestling. I love wrestling so much. Because that was on live television, folks. Can't take that back. [00:43:24] Speaker A: Like, that's. That was one of the things is, like, being a kid watching what little wrestling we did, like, seeing not only friends who are watching and, like, entertained, but, like, would kind of envy the people who are, like, there and so given in to the story and the, you know, whatever that they are mad at Ric Flair. Like. Like, this actually wants to tell him to go himself. [00:43:53] Speaker B: I didn't catch where they were live from. I'm sorry, folks, I'm not a professional. You knew what this was. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I don't think Cleveland is Flair Country. Flair has lots of Flair country, like, he does. I was just on a podcast talking about how Flair running as a Democrat would turn the south blue. Because, like, it's just. It's Flair. It's Flair. It's Flair. Like, what are you gonna do, you know? Like, everyone loves him. Apparently not Cleveland. Cleveland wants him. [00:44:23] Speaker A: It's a tough town. It's a tough town. And, like, that's it. Kind of envied those people. Yeah. [00:44:32] Speaker B: Like, would love to scream at Ric Flair. The piece of, like, that not only. [00:44:39] Speaker A: Would love to scream at Ric Flair, but would love to, like, believe in Ric Flair enough to scream. [00:44:46] Speaker B: Right? [00:44:48] Speaker A: Like, you go to Six Flags, I'm like, yeah, there's, you know, you know, like, costume superhero, you know, bad guy and stuff. But you're not telling L. Lex Luthor to go himself. [00:44:59] Speaker B: Right? [00:45:01] Speaker A: Actor dressed up as a super villain. That's not a person that I need to, like, start with. Meanwhile, wrestling fans get to see a physical human being in the flesh and be like, I hate you. [00:45:16] Speaker B: Yes. [00:45:16] Speaker A: Why? [00:45:17] Speaker B: Because. Because I can. Because you want me to. Because it's why I'm here. I'm here to hate you. Have y'all ever been to a live wrestling match? [00:45:27] Speaker A: There is or Was not sure anymore, honestly. Because, honestly, the time vortex, it is Covid. It still feels like last year was 2019 down here in Austin. There was a thing called Party World Wrasslin, which was like an independent wrestling league like this. And so me and friends would go sometimes a couple of times. [00:45:58] Speaker B: So, you know, the energy, like, you. You're saying. Because, like, that's absolutely. The energy is like you are there to heckle them. Like, it's there to heckle. It's. You're expected to. You're expected to scream in Ric Flair's face because he is a bastard and you should go at him. You are right, Mickey Mouse lady. You are right. Yeah. It's so good. And like, you can't. I, like, I feel like you don't get to do that at real sports anymore. If you ever did, you know, like, you get. You like, people get, like, find and you get kicked out. Like, this is like, no, bring it. Call me a piece of. [00:46:33] Speaker A: No, there was. All right, so we're. If you follow us, on blue side during the summer, gigantic Nets fan. And so a few years ago, whenever David Wright retired, his last at bat was a foul out to the first baseman of the Marlins, who was just some nothing first baseman. Don't remember his name, nor will I ever justify him with knowing his name, but it was just some redheaded person with an Irish last name and the enemy of the New York Mets organization for as long as a professional baseball player, he would just get booed relentlessly for catching. You know, our captain's last at bat was a pop fly. Like, he didn't need to run at that. You didn't need to do it. This was a game that didn't matter. You could have just let that and given him another chance to, like, go out as a hero, but you caught that. And so we hate you. We hate you so much. [00:47:40] Speaker B: And. [00:47:41] Speaker A: And we hate you so much that even though, like, here at a minor league park, because, like, we're in Austin, Round Rock's the local team. They're the AAA affiliate of. I think at that point it was the Astros. And so we're watching the AAA affiliate of the Marlins playing the AAA affiliate of the Astros. So this dude is not as that city field. He's not in New York expecting to get heckled by Mets fans, you know, whatever. He's down in the minors again. [00:48:14] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [00:48:15] Speaker A: And they're still a random dude in the stands just screaming profanities at him. And that's me, because I hate him. He was so confused because it's the miners, so the parks are tiny, and we're like, 10ft from each other. And I'm just calling him an for catching David Wright's lesson. It's like, I was not prepared for this when I woke up in the morning. [00:48:45] Speaker B: Mox, y'all. Y'all are born wrestling fans. I'm telling you, like, you were. You were made for this. This is so good. Holy. That's the funniest goddamn thing I've ever heard. No, that. Yeah. Oh, wow. That was almost better than this main event. But, I mean, it's not terrible. Yeah, right? No, no, it's had to be someone else's turn. Mox. It's. It's always me. That being said in the ring, the bell goes off and the guys bust out the cookie cutters. They get bacon. This is a very cookie cutter. This is like, everything Alex vs Ric Flair match would be, basically. But that being said, the cookies are good. Like, the. And the crowd's loving it because, like, they hate Flair. And he. That. I feel like that's part of. Of the craft is that he went up to the fans to see what the reaction would be to kind of gauge, like, what am I working with here? Oh, they want me dead. So he. So he gets in there and he is. He is selling like Nancy Pelosi after a hot stock tank. Like, he. He is just giving it screaming. At one point, he gets tossed out and throws a tantrum, like, literally stomping mad and walks away for a while. Takes a powder, you know, like, makes it back in time to the ring just in time to open up a chop house. And though. And tenderizes the out. Alexis chest meets and it's fun, you know. Eric then lets us know there is no nitro next week to thus again correcting everyone else that has spoken tonight. Because it's just that week and, like. [00:50:27] Speaker A: Because nobody has any idea what's going on. [00:50:30] Speaker B: No clue. Bobby continues to go off and says. And Eric says he's getting wacky on his last night and ask him what he's gonna do. He's like, I'm gonna take some time off. I'm gonna relax. And I was like, yeah, Bobby's retiring. Just stop asking questions. Like, just leave up. Leave my weasel alone. Yeah. I mean, he wants to at this point, like, no kayfabe. Bobby Heenan hates this. Hated this. Apparently. Apparently, like, he was drunk a lot. Like, he only did it because they. It. It meant he could. He could live nearer his daughter who was going to college. And like, it was good money, you know, and he was like, all right, cool. Like, I'll, you know, I'll take it. And it worked for his family, but he didn't really want to be there. His heart wasn't in it anymore. He's another guy who. He was, he was the, one of the faces of the Federation for years and years and years there. Before raw, they had prime time wrestling and he was one of the hosts. Him and Gorilla Monsoon, it's. They still have it, I think, on Peacock. And honestly, it's fantastic to go back and watch Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan introduce Rick. It's. It's not like this kind of show. It's them sitting in like a new studio kind of setting, and it's just these two guys who love each other riffing back and forth and then occasionally throwing to Florida footage of a match that happened usually at Madison Square Garden, sometimes at like, house shows and stuff. It was before they had raw. That's how, how we got wrestling TV and before Nitro. Like, that's what it was. So he did that and like, that's why he's so good. And like, he talks about his broadcast career and like, he's is a. He's legit. Like, so that's why I'm sitting here confused because, like, he. I know it doesn't happen, but like, at the time I'm like, is this real? Like, is he in the sense that, like, is this leading to a storyline or is like, Bobby drunk and like, literally like mutinying right now and then he'll be back next week with a slap on the wrist, like, what is going on? [00:52:24] Speaker A: That's what it felt like. [00:52:25] Speaker B: That is kind of what it felt like. [00:52:26] Speaker A: There was no. Because, you know, if again, this is like one of those pre planning things, it's like, hey, I'm gonna do a bit. You know, you say it at the top of the, like before the show to your coat, like, hey, I'm gonna do a bit that I'm retiring, right? And like, we can play with that all night. And then it'll be an April Fool's joke at the very end. And it's just like, oh, good idea, Bobby. Let's riff on that all night. Instead he just seems to just drop it in. Yeah. And then he drops it in again and they're like, wait, this is real. Okay. [00:53:01] Speaker B: Like, I guess he's really doing it. Yeah. [00:53:05] Speaker A: And then the payoff is nothing because there wasn't enough riffing in order to really build it up or Add any suspense or emotion. [00:53:13] Speaker B: So it's just a failed bit, basically. And I mean, we'll get there because, like, that's all the way. Still, speaking of failed bits, to finish this match in the ring, we got figure four, rest, hold, a reversal, Rick's being murdered, blah, blah, blah. Now, how is Rick going to win this be. Even though, like, it's one of those things, like with Hogan where it's like Luger, it doesn't make sense for Luger to lose to Rick. But also Luger's not getting that belt. So how do we do this? So a woman grabs a cup from a fan. Slash plant. Liz distracts the ref and she throws it Lex's face. So Rick gets the win. And it's great because, like, the commentary, Bobby is like, oh, my God. Steaming. It's steaming hot coffee. [00:53:59] Speaker A: Everyone's steaming hot. [00:54:00] Speaker B: It's steaming hot coffee. [00:54:01] Speaker A: When she throws it, you can see the steam. [00:54:04] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Except for when she throws it and you can see the ice that, like, it bounces off of his face. I was like, just like the boys of the booth are going at it and like, here we go, Bobby. It's the end of Bobby's career. He's saying goodbye until next time, I'm sure. Bobby shakes Mago and Eric's hands. They get quiet and then he says, oh, by the way, April Fools. And honest to God, though, Mox that it was April 1st. He got me like. Like, I. I was so confused the whole time. So it's a failed bit, but not really. He got me like, I totally was like, oh, my God, I forgot. [00:54:39] Speaker A: And, yeah, completely forgotten that it was April 1st. Even though, like, it's at the top of the window, right? Because it says April 1, 1996. The entire time we're watching it. Completely forgot that it was April 1st. And they had made some, like, comments to April Fools earlier, but, like, the. The wires had not connected. That this was. Could be a bit like, it just. Yeah, got me. What are we doing? Because the same year as the Taco Liberty Bell. [00:55:12] Speaker B: I don't know. I don't know. [00:55:13] Speaker A: Like, right about then. [00:55:15] Speaker B: But I mean, but also, but also it's Bobby, like, when. When it happened, I was like, oh, my God, that's a Bobby Heenan bit. It didn't go over well. I. As well as they could, I think, because Eric and Mongo sucked at playing into it. And that's what is if. If Bobby had done that same bit to Gorilla Monsoon, it would have been comedy gold. Yeah. [00:55:35] Speaker A: I mean, Bobby had Done that same bit with a 30 second pre show. [00:55:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:55:41] Speaker A: 15 seconds of pre show. Just like, hey, I'm gonna pretend to retire tonight. Like, oh, okay. That sounds fun. All right. [00:55:48] Speaker B: Yeah. Wait a minute. [00:55:49] Speaker A: Once again, to the middle of a fight. The only I make as the director of this thing is, hey, just mention your bit to your co host, for. [00:56:01] Speaker B: The love of God, so that it sounds like it makes sense. No, so, yeah, it was. It was a not awful nitro. It was fun. It had good. It had good bits. But overall it was a mess. It really was. But I. It. It has one of my favorite Bobby Heenan lines of all time. Like, I told Kiddo that those are the two ugliest Rockettes I've ever seen. Is gonna stay with me for weeks. I'm gonna be giggling about that. But, yeah, so like, that it was all right. And now we get to raw. [00:56:35] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, it was a fun episode. Like, had a lot of fun with it. Like, you know, it was slap dash. Yeah, it was lots of edits that, like, a lot of, like, things that just like, oh, you could have tightened that up really easily. But at the same time, you know, it's just an entertaining hour at tv. [00:56:53] Speaker B: It really was. It was fast paced, right? Yeah. And like, the. The fact that it was. That it was up, I think led to having this kind of frantic pace that actually made for a pretty good time. For a while there, it slowed down somewhere around the Nasty Boys angle, but other than that, it was pretty great. Like, it was. It was definitely a clusterfuck. But I. I can, like me here, clusterfuck. [00:57:20] Speaker A: You're tuned in to Ghost Coast Studios, the world's first and only podcast network built for creators, activists, and entrepreneurs with something to say. Gripping audio documentaries, conversations that spark change. We're here to bring your ideas to life. Ready for more? Head to Ghost coast video for shows that matter, Tools to help you create, and a community that's totally redefining what a podcast network can be. Ghost Coast Studios, meet your dreams. Most of what posting is, right? I mean, it's just like, let's see what. [00:58:02] Speaker B: No, that was a whole bunch of them. Like, this plan didn't work. Let's see what sticks. And some of it was pretty good. And the crowd really helped. Like, the crowd being that active made for a really entertaining episode. But again, I say now to raw, and I didn't. I didn't mean to bring you on for like a historic raw. I. I've said this so many times to guess, but we're get. We're getting into the era where like, this just keeps happening and it's historic to me at least. But yeah, it's the night after Wrestlemania. I do kind of giggle because as I was looking this up, I found out that Ultimate Warrior was in a dark match, like against Goldust and won by count out. And I'm just like, he. He was in on WrestleMania the night before and it's just like, what are you doing? What? You have him in the dark match. It's Ultimate Warrior, like in a dark. I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me. Maybe I just don't know wrestling. I am just a fan. But like, I was like, I. I feel like Ultimate Warrior is not going to be here for very long. So I had to mention that, that ug. But new intro animation. The Great Cube is gone. Now we have a tornado of text. And unfortunately it's still Vince doing the weird opening in a blaring siren. Siren. And Jerry Lawler and but most importantly, what's historic about it for me and everyone? Mankind's here. It's mankind time. [00:59:26] Speaker A: Yeah, that completely threw us when we were watching because, like, I mean, obviously again, you know, growing up when we did, you know, you've got, you know, mankind and as an adult, like, you know, Mick Foley, right? Yeah, but, you know, so it's like, oh, cool, it's mankind. But then they're talking about mankind as though they've never seen mankind. At which point, like, our. Our notes is like, wait, comma, is this his first episode? Question, question, question. Exclamation, exclamation point. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. [01:00:03] Speaker B: Yep, you got it. You won the lottery. You got the first WWF fully. The first Raw. [01:00:09] Speaker A: It was fantastic. And he just like a young Brando, just. [01:00:16] Speaker B: Yeah, he really. Everything about it is, is. And I just kept like putting in my notes here that, like, this is stuff that I feel like these fans have not seen anything like this. [01:00:29] Speaker A: Like, I don't know if anyone had. Like, no one. Nothing prepares you for that. [01:00:33] Speaker B: No, not really. [01:00:35] Speaker A: Growing up watching YouTube doesn't prepare you for. Like, just. Okay, so now you got this big guy in a mask and he's ripping his own hair out in clumps, walking. [01:00:44] Speaker B: Out to orchestral, like haunting orchestral string music. Like. [01:00:51] Speaker A: Big guys hit each other. Like, what the is this? [01:00:54] Speaker B: Yeah. And I mean, the big guy, they feed him. They're feeding him spark plug, you Bob Holly. And like, Bob Holly is. Has become. For a while there, they're trying to push him, but he hasn't firmly switched places at this point. He is the one being fed within six. [01:01:11] Speaker A: Not sure which ended up being bigger. The bald spot that happened from Mick pulling out his hair or bald spot in the back of spark plug's head. But they're in competition. [01:01:22] Speaker B: Yeah, but I was gonna say he. He eventually ends up fully bald. So I think he wins there. But it. Within seconds, Mick is doing the, the squeal noises as he mauls him and he's ripping his own hair out and showing the camera. [01:01:36] Speaker A: Fantastic. [01:01:37] Speaker B: And throwing. Throwing his body at him and like, holy. [01:01:43] Speaker A: No one gets hurt like mickfol. [01:01:46] Speaker B: No, he's doing it to. He has to for the sake of the game. He loves it too much. [01:01:52] Speaker A: He so clearly loves it. And again, like, we don't know about rest. Like we're, you know, it's just cultural osmosis, you know, you know, know the big things and whatnot and you know, know who mankind is and know by the end of this and I'm sure, you know, we'll get to it. But like, you know, through cultural osmosis, we know some things and we know that like Mick Foley can get hit with a gun. Goddamn semi truck. [01:02:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:02:18] Speaker A: And just keep going, keep going. Like he can lose an arm and just keep going. He so clearly loves his job. [01:02:29] Speaker B: It's. He loves, he loves. And I've listened to a lot of. Of Mick talking about this and I've read his books. He has this thing he calls the. The fully risk reward ratio. Like, like that he has to think of because he'll get an idea. He'll like, get an image in his head. And he's like, oh, I bet you I could do that. Is it gonna be worth it? I bet you're like, that's gonna hurt, but is it gonna be worth it? And like, and that's his. Like. One of my favorite stories he ever told was when he was still in WCW is Cactus Jack. And ECW fans are absolutely there because they're, they're during this match, they're going, he's hardcore. He's hardcore. And I was like, oh, they know that's Cactus Jack. And I think about it's night after WrestleMania. There was definitely a bunch of ECW fans at WrestleMania that we like picked out of the crowd. And I was like, oh, fantastic. So that makes sense. So, like, people know this, but one of my favorite things is he's told was a story where he was working WCW and Gold Dust dad Dusty Rhodes, the Malcolm Dream, he's the booker and he's working out this thing where they're doing a thing where he's. I think it was him. Invader. And there's a table involved and. And it's like, do something with the table. And Mick is like, you know, or it wasn't. I don't know if it was a T. If it was a table or like a stack of. A stack of like, wooden pallets or something. But he's like, you know, I bet you. I bet you I could go head first through that and not crack my head on the cement underneath and have it look really good and. And. And it would be really risky, but I really. I could see. And I really want to do it. And he goes to Dusty, he's like, I don't know. I really want. He goes to Dusty is like, hey, you know, I had this idea. I want to do this. Like, this. What do you think about that? And like, theoretically, it's Dusty's job to. As the boss and the booker, you would think to be like, no, for the love of. Don't do that. You're going to die on television. But Dusty being a wrestler and being Dusty is like, you know, I don't think you can do it, but I'd sure like to see you try. And he was like, all right. And he did it, but. Absolutely slammed his head into the cement and rung his bell. Got a concussion probably. So, like. Yeah. [01:04:51] Speaker A: The amount of concussions that man has had. Jesus Christ. [01:04:54] Speaker B: Yeah. Who. He literally don't even. There's no way of knowing, but it's that kind of match. He spends most of this matches throwing his body at Bob. All kinds of good. He. He eventually gets him in the mandible claw. And I don't know, you gotta love. [01:05:10] Speaker A: Good gagging fetish for a submission. Like, that's fantastic. [01:05:14] Speaker B: Speaking of. I almost just a spit fit. Spit take. Oh, my God. Gagging. Do you know the fun fact about the mandible claw? [01:05:23] Speaker A: Probably not. [01:05:24] Speaker B: Probably not. Oh, I get to give. I love when I get to give fun facts. So it was invented by a wrestler who was a former doctor. I think he might have been a dentist. I can't remember. I. You think I would know this better that knew about the pressure points in the jawline. So basically the. The idea is it's not like gagging so much as he's putting his fingers like, like under your tongue and. And then the thumb up into it. And that's an actual, like, pressure point where if you do that, you paralyze someone from, like, the jaw down and like. And like you can make a pass out. Like it's an actual thing. So he, he knew that because he was a doctor, so he made that his finishing move doing this. That same doctor was the inspiration for the film the Fugitive with Harrison Ford. Oh, wow. Yeah. Also, fun fact, the real life guy from the Fugitive probably totally killed his wife. He served time for it. There was. There was no one armed man. [01:06:28] Speaker A: He didn't. [01:06:30] Speaker B: There was no one armed man. That guy did time and then became a wrestler after the fact. And I believe. I believe he used the ring name Killer or something like that. And it's like, dude, you went to jail. And like, it's. God, this is such a up carney sport. I love it. But yeah, we. We get a little look at WrestleMania where Mark Mero and Triple Paul begin to slow roast a beef. And they cut the Sable at ringside saying that she bought a seat. And they're building this feud around who gets to win. Sable, basically, which is gross as. But in the funny twin. Yeah, Right. [01:07:10] Speaker A: So problematic. [01:07:11] Speaker B: Nah. In the funny twist she gets, she ends up becoming like more over than. Than both of them for the most part, which I'm sure made her life worse. She ended up suing the company for sexual harassment, but then came back after the fact and is now married to Brock Lesnar, who was named in the lawsuit against Vince and the company for sex trafficking. So, yeah, welcome to wrestling Mox. It kind of sucks here. They keep playing as a rev a promo ad for the WrestleMania replay to try to get a second crack at the pay per view numbers. And they do it like twice. And it makes me very angry and it makes me think that WrestleMania didn't sell well this year. [01:07:52] Speaker A: Yeah, they did. They did push it twice. The same pan through of like a crowd, you know, cheering at WrestleMania, like, like people in the lobby cheering. And the same pan through of a couple of. A couple of kids in red lensed glasses, which are problematic if you're part of the blue sky community. [01:08:14] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It really is. [01:08:16] Speaker A: You can't wear those anymore. So that's. [01:08:20] Speaker B: Yeah, it's really unfortunate for. For like everyone involved. People stop ruining eyewear. [01:08:27] Speaker A: And it's a national problem. There are only so many great forms of eyewear. [01:08:33] Speaker B: Yeah. And stop ruining Sable's life. I feel like she's been through enough. But yeah, much to my surprise, Mayor Kane here, I. The dentist Isaac Yankum is still here. I can't believe I. I really thought we were done seeing this character. But it's clear that he's going to be fed to Mark Mero. This guy used to be called, he used to wrestle in WCW up until like a couple weeks before this as a guy named Johnny B. Bad who was basically doing a Little Richard impression and kind of wearing blackface, but not sorta, not really. But they're not. But not, not really. And I don't know. So now he's over here, they're like, okay, it's fine. You can just be Italian, you know. So like now he's just Mark Mero. So this is cool. 2 in ring debuts for former WCW talent between him and Foley and the crowd's really liking it. He's doing a lot of his Johnny B. Bad stuff. And like I liked him a lot when I was a kid because he did like this mixture of cruiserweight, heavyweight style kind of stuff and it was really cool and I'm into it. But you know we're seeing some really good matching some really good wrestling in this match. So of course they bring Triple Paul out to come distract us and sit, you know, by Sable in a split screen and it's still raw. They keep doing this because like this match pretty hard despite the wrestling dentist of it all. But they, they're like, no, don't pay attention to that. We're gonna do this instead and whatever. [01:10:12] Speaker A: How long had Triple H been around at that point? [01:10:15] Speaker B: Oh geez. Triple H had been around maybe a little bit before Raw, before the start of our show. Like he has not been around long. He's been around maybe less than six months at this point. [01:10:28] Speaker A: As far as like, I mean has, have they started? You know, like this is one of those things from like cultural osmosis. Like they're using his full name and stuff. They're using all three ages. [01:10:39] Speaker B: He's, he's still what they call the blue Blood Hunter. Hearst Helmsley and he's like Hunter Hurst. [01:10:49] Speaker A: Very, I mean it's a good character. Like it's a good, I totally dig it. But like it's like, you know, it's, it's proto and it's like definitely enjoy seeing like these like blasts back because I mean he's still around, right? [01:11:07] Speaker B: He, he played the long game. He is now that basically the in charge of creative. He's the booker at wwe. He's the. Okay. Because Vince wants everyone to think that they're legitimate business. He, he is now called the chief content officer, AKA the booker. Man, like this is a carney business. You've been doing this for like 120 years at this point just calm the booker, Vince. But, yeah, like, Vince got. Got kicked out for being a sex criminal, and he took over as you do. Hopefully it sticks this time. Probably not, because, I don't know. [01:11:49] Speaker A: Trump. [01:11:49] Speaker B: Is busy systemically destroying the global economy for as long as they let him get away with it. So, like, he's. He hasn't gotten around to pardoning Vince yet, I think, which is. [01:12:00] Speaker A: We haven't looked at our phone since we started recording. I mean, are we sure we have a government right now? [01:12:05] Speaker B: Oh, God. Or maybe. Or maybe we get done and he. He's pardoned Vince, and I'm just like, God damn it. [01:12:10] Speaker A: I mean, it would be a great end to the. Great end to the pod. [01:12:14] Speaker B: God, baby. Oh, don't you. Don't you put us on that. Put that on us. But speaking of great ends, I asked myself, what's Mark using as a finisher? Because, like, he's had a lot of them, and he's going with this huge, like, sunset flip off the top rope, which is pretty cool. And then that's good for three. And then Trips gets handsy, and Sable slaps the Nazi out of him and leaves with her husband. I'm like, yeah, this is good. Yeah. [01:12:45] Speaker A: Like, it is a weird romance subplot. Had trouble following exactly who was. [01:12:53] Speaker B: What. [01:12:53] Speaker A: What the backstory was dropping in. In the middle. [01:12:56] Speaker B: Well, no, not. Not the middle. This just. This is just. [01:13:00] Speaker A: Just starting. [01:13:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Like, he. He. He showed up for the first time the night before at Wrestlemania, him and Sable. [01:13:07] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Okay. [01:13:08] Speaker B: So then showing them, like. Like, fighting each other. That happened the night before. So, like, they're really trying to get this off the ground. But, like, so it. You know, it's confusing because it's. It's wrestling, and it's confusing. It doesn't make sense. But it makes sense to Vince because it's like, yeah, you fight over women. Their property, you know, so fight over women. [01:13:26] Speaker A: I mean, because that. That brings. Again, going back to our wonderful, random scribbled notes, one of them is what the. Is a slammy. Never mind. Figured it out. It's something that. [01:13:42] Speaker B: It exists for Waller to talk about Sunny's ass. That's why. Yes. [01:13:47] Speaker A: It exists for Jerry Lawler talking about. Talking about her ass. And I mean, it's funny. It's like seeing Jerry Lawler. Okay, so the kind of nerd that we were, like, we knew more about Jerry Lawler than wrestling. And that's because we love Andy Kaufman, like, as a kid, right? [01:14:08] Speaker B: So it's like, just. I just, again, Almost spit taped. Hell yes. [01:14:13] Speaker A: Yeah. So that's the kind of nerd that we are. Right? That's the kind of nerd that was with kids. So it's just like watching this episode, it's just like, okay, what's going on? It's just like, yeah, it's Jerry Lawler. It's like, oh, Andy Kaufman's buddy. Like that's, that's like the first association. It's not Jared Lawler the wrestler. It's Jerry Lawler the person that Andy Kaufman was in a long term wrestling based bit with. [01:14:40] Speaker B: You know, basically he went, he went to. No, like Andy Kaufman died with Lawler. Not really knowing if he actually hated him or not. [01:14:48] Speaker A: If it was a bit. [01:14:49] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I mean that's K Fab. That's not a good comedy. That's good wrestling. That's what's the best part. [01:14:57] Speaker A: Incredible. [01:14:57] Speaker B: That's what's so great about Andy Kaufman's whole shtick is that he was. He wasn't even really doing comedy. He. He was doing professional wrestling. But it was comedic because he looked like him. But all he was saying, all he was doing is what Lawler does. Like literally the same. And that's what made it genius. And I am also in yalls same camp before I was a fan of professional wrestling at like 8 years old. I was a fan of Taxi on Nick at night. [01:15:27] Speaker A: Sure. [01:15:28] Speaker B: So I was a fan of Andy Kaufman and knew about Waller because of Kaufman before being like, oh my God, it's that. So like same boat. Absolutely. Oh, that's so cool. I met another one. Yay. But so like we. While I was talking about Sunny's ass because she's brought out the body dot as who are, I guess tag team champions. I don't remember when that happened. That shows how much I care about the tag team. Like I've mentioned it before. The division is not great. There's pig farmers, there's exercise guys, there's. [01:15:59] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Like only note from that, from that package. It's just I did. Did not. Like they did not. They did nothing for me. The whole like didn't dig the bit. Like it just felt real weak. [01:16:14] Speaker B: Yeah. It's not great. Which is unfortunate because Chris Candido is an amazing. [01:16:19] Speaker A: Good first match. [01:16:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:16:21] Speaker A: Or a good first cow. But it's just like you get to this tag team and it just, it didn't seem to vibe well. [01:16:27] Speaker B: Yeah. And it's because they don't have a tag team division and like they, the. The body down has got thrown Together, Aldo Montoya and Barry Horowitz are just two jobbers that they threw together to be the Jobber tag team. They're two of the best to ever do it. Barry Horowitz is my favorite jobber of all time. Jobber to the stars. I love him. But it is what it is. But it's. It. We're in this era where, like, they don't really know what to do with the tag team division and they're trying this and it sucks. Cuz, like, Chris Candido rules and there's not a lot of energy for this match, probably because it's weird. But then Chris Candido gets tagged in and the crowd goes nuts. And I Remember there were ECW fans at WrestleMania because Chris Candido used to work ECW, so, like, they went nuts for their. Their favorite boy to come in, even though he's. They're calling him what? What? Skip? I think. Yeah, they. Yeah. Or something like that. Yeah, some. [01:17:24] Speaker A: Some weird names. [01:17:25] Speaker B: Yeah, but it's Chris Candido. So, like, I'm just like, oh, my God, that's right. They're at WrestleMania and they stuck around for the Raw after Mania. Like, they're following. They're following the company and like, oh, to be a dirt bag wrestling fan in the 90s, to like, be from Philly in New York in that area, and be a person that goes to ECW every week, go to LA for WrestleMania, and then end up in, like, what. Wherever they. The. They were probably maybe like, somewhere still in California the next day. Yeah, probably, probably. I imagine they didn't go far. And I'm just like, oh, my God, that sounds like the life. But Candido takes a suplex to the outside. That looked painful. And my summation for this match is that wrestling fans love Chris Candido, Sandy's butt or Sonny's butt, and Barry Horowitz. And I agree, like, these are three good things. And then, like, to prove it, Candido hits the top rope Hurricane Rada, where he whips the guy onto his dome with his legs. And then Pritchard, like, falls on him with his butt. And. And it's like, all right, that's a fun tag team finisher. Let's go. It is what it is. It was nothing amazing, but, like, Chris Candido killed it. It was just like, here's a match where Aldo Montoya is pretty good. Barry Horowitz is amazing and solid. Chris Candido does that no one is ready to see. And I guess Tom Pritchard is here. And like, that was. That was this match. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:18:57] Speaker A: All right. [01:18:58] Speaker B: What's that? [01:18:58] Speaker A: I said, yeah. That sounds. That's a good sum up. [01:19:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. That's about it. They come back and Doc Hendrick tells us the superstar line will tell us exactly what Bret Hart did after the match at WrestleMania in his locker room. And I just wrote, I imagine a shower. He took a big. I don't know. What are you talking about? It's getting weird. It's getting weird already. [01:19:21] Speaker A: Like 1900 numbers. [01:19:24] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, yeah. They have the super. [01:19:28] Speaker A: That is a. An incantation from a dark art that had just been completely erased from the tomes in our mind of 1 900. A. $149aminute to hear what the. 49aminute. Oh, my God. That is so much money to hear. [01:19:49] Speaker B: Either junior or if you do the WCW version, Mean Jean make up. Basically. Good. [01:19:57] Speaker A: Love it. [01:19:58] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm here for it. Speaking of deep, deep love, Vince gets downright guttural. Introducing the face of the new WWF generation and my boy toy, Shawn Michaels. Sean continues his practice of kissing random girls in the audience. Damn it. And I'm made uncomfortable. At least look, this week it was an adult. So that's great. At least. And Mox. I wish I were kidding. [01:20:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:20:27] Speaker B: It'S, it's, it's. God damn it, Sean. I used to like him when I was a kid. And how could you not? I love the Power Rangers. And Sean looks like the white Power Rangers. Ranger in this. [01:20:37] Speaker A: Looks like a white Power Ranger. The outfit is so much. The only thought that comes to mind is like, what if, like, Siegfried and Roy were in season two of Yu Gi? [01:20:51] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:20:55] Speaker A: And leather and strap. Why is this happening in, like, pieces? I want it to always happen. I would love that to just be flipped formal wear. I would like that. State dinners. [01:21:09] Speaker B: Yes. No, that should. No, that should be what, Paul? That should be the new politician chic. If we're. Hey, if we're going full. [01:21:16] Speaker A: If you can't pull off this outfit, how are you supposed to represent us to the world? [01:21:20] Speaker B: Exactly. And how are you supposed to be some sort of fascist regime if you don't have this kind of outfit? Like, like, like they looks. He looks like a stormtrooper. That's what you're going for, right? You. But it's incredible covered in like, mirrors and stuff though. And I'm just sitting here thinking, like. [01:21:37] Speaker A: Yeah, just mirrors and straps and chrome and buckles. And straps and chrome and buckles. [01:21:43] Speaker B: It's more luck that it's the 90s and there was no Laser pointers yet is my thought in the crowd could just blinded 10,000 people. [01:21:54] Speaker A: The thing that. Okay, the other thing that kept standing out about, like, the lead up to Michael's is, you know, introduction and whatnot was the screenshot that they'd show to like. Like, for the promo. Like, you know, Michaels is going to come out soon. It was this, you know, it's just this shot of him, but it looks like VHS quality. And that's not to say, like, the recording is in low quality. It's like the. The promo image of him is so low quality. It's so great. It looks like a freeze frame from a VHS that they're just like, quickly erasing and being like, put that on the promo. Like, put that on the. The chiron. [01:22:33] Speaker B: That's probably what it was. [01:22:35] Speaker A: Like, I'm sure it's what it was, but it's just like, how do you not have a promo image of your world champion? Like, just a promo image. Just a photograph. Like something with any amount of dpi. I'll take three dpi. [01:22:52] Speaker B: Three dpi. I'm sitting here going, like, wanting to give them the benefit of the doubt. Like, well, it just happened last night, but it's fake. They knew it was gonna happen. They could have prepared. [01:23:04] Speaker A: It would take fire, no time whatsoever to just like, hey, stand here, let me take a picture. Using this camera technology that we've had for 150 years. [01:23:15] Speaker B: Oh, my God, it's. It's raw. Is not a clusterfuck like Nitro was, but it's a clusterfuck full of bad decisions made. And, like, it's a different kind of cluster. [01:23:27] Speaker A: It's great. And yeah, I mean, you know, so Michaels comes out and that. [01:23:32] Speaker B: And that beautiful God mode outfit and proceeds to. He's pleased with himself. The hat and that. [01:23:40] Speaker A: That beautiful hat. [01:23:41] Speaker B: The hat. That's like a Super bowl championship hat. But for him, himself. [01:23:45] Speaker A: No, no, that's giving it way too much credit. That is a. I went to the mall and paid like, that $5 for they'll embroider it for me hat. It doesn't even look like WWF provided it for him. It looks like he made it. [01:24:00] Speaker B: That's the high school football team is going to state hat. Like, yeah, that they. Oh, my. [01:24:06] Speaker A: It's just like, Vince, I got the. I made this hat. Can I wear it? I'll the cameras, please. Like, that's what it felt like. [01:24:13] Speaker B: Oh. And that's the level of. They were giving at this point. And in this whole segment goes on way too long. It's just them being. It's just them being pleased with themselves because they got the belt off of Brett, like, and that's. [01:24:26] Speaker A: They both hate having a lot of fun with it. [01:24:30] Speaker B: Yeah. They hate Bret Hart. They love themselves and each other. And, like, Vince is so happy that his guy is. Is here, and I hate it. [01:24:39] Speaker A: You can probably answer a question that kept coming up, especially during, like, the episode of Raw where you're just needing to deal with Vince's voice constantly. Where did the wrestler voice come from? Like, is there someone that was, like, the. The genesis point for the talking down here? [01:24:57] Speaker B: And, like, this. Well, I mean, that's a good. It depend. Well, if you're talking about the wrestler voice, if you're talking about specifically Vince's voice, because those. Those have two similar but diverging. [01:25:12] Speaker A: Vince is definitely a different level. Absolutely. Like, but it's just like. [01:25:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:25:17] Speaker A: How much gravel. Like, he. He turns it into a caricature. It's. It's all gravel, no voice. [01:25:24] Speaker B: He hasn't even gotten to the caricature part. It gets worse as the. Because he literally turns that into a caricature, that character that he, like, wrestles as. [01:25:34] Speaker A: And it's that Michael Keaton movie multiplicity where he's making a copy of a copy. [01:25:41] Speaker B: Oh, God, no, that's it. He's a copy of a copy of a copy of a mixture of wrestlers and commentators that he liked and respected. A lot of it is the Grams. The Grams were a dynastic family of wrestlers out of Florida. And you have. I'm sure you. I'm not sure if y'all have heard the name. Superstar Billy Graham. He was a WW WF champion back before there was one less W. And Vince's dad was still alive. And he is basically what Hulk Hogan ripped off to become Hulk Hogan. See also Jesse Ventura. All three of those guys operated around the same time. Hulk a little later, and, like, Jesse and Superstar were just ripping each other off, but they weren't necessarily in the same Fed. And it. This is a thing that the further back you go, the further away from more global information connection, the more this kind of thing happens. There's a. A lot of instances of it. Like, you have, like, so funny because, like, Lord Humongous from Mad Max 2 is a. Is the character from Mad Max 2, Lord Humongous. But Lord Humongous would. Then they would just take their territories, would take their tallest boy and put him in a BDSM outfit like Lord Humongous and just call him Lord Humongous. Like a lot of different wrestlers who ended up like. Like I'm pretty sure Sid Vicious, Rest in Peace was Lord Humongous at some point. Like, a lot. A lot of guys, like, worked this gimmick in different territories and it's just like, what. Like, especially the further back you go, you could get away with that. Like, there was Wrestling Ninja Turtles in. In. In indie territories and even like slightly more than indie territories. Because, like, I shouldn't say indie territories because this is back when that was just what it was. It was just territories. Like everything was an indie promotion for a segment of the country. So, like, you could get away with that. So, like, there. To answer your question, I don't know if I can. Because it's so. It goes back. It's someone doing a. A pastiche of someone else doing a pastiche of someone else doing a p. You know what I mean? And it go ab. And it. And it's. It probably goes back to someone that was early days of television, if not beforehand, because you had these guys who like the old school, like we're watching where everyone looks kind of like a bodybuilder, but the old school wrestlers would. They would just look like a guy who worked at the dock. You know, it was. And it was more about like, like real people getting in a ring and fighting sort of thing, kind of what MMA sort of is now. But that, that idea can live. Yeah, you. [01:28:28] Speaker A: Yeah, you know, as they refer to him. And always suddenly like glamour muscles. Right. I mean, it's just. [01:28:34] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. Which Lex is all glamour muscles. [01:28:38] Speaker A: All glamour muscles. [01:28:39] Speaker B: So you get these guys who were gravelly and sounded like they smoked, you know, 10 cigars a day. Because they did, you know, and like they really. And a lot of times they really just were those people and. [01:28:51] Speaker A: Yeah. Their day to day voice. Right. Like, because famously, like, in terms of like wild voices that people know, like famously. [01:29:01] Speaker B: Gilbert Gottfried. Yeah. [01:29:03] Speaker A: God rest his soul. [01:29:04] Speaker B: Another rip. [01:29:06] Speaker A: Yeah. That was not his normal voice. Right. Everyone knows him as the character. Right. Everyone knows that voice, but that was just not. That was as much him as Teller from Penn Teller, not actually being mute, you know, like he had a normal voice. I want to know what, like, what Shawn Michaels is just like everyday voices, like, just get. Just hang out and talk. Like, hey, Shawn, so tell me, tell me about your day. Hear that voice. I just want to hear his normal voice register. [01:29:43] Speaker B: And this is what I did today. But the problem is, is that like he is of this era that we're watching where the. We're gotten to the point where a lot of these guys are in him especially for his own personal character flaws are. Are smelling their own farts. You know what I mean? So like. And they're starting to blend the line between. Starting to break kayfabe and blend the line between the real and the not real and. And using that to her advantage to write stories that seem like they could be real because you're. You're writing it as though it is like oh, they're breaking kayfabe. But like it's double kayfabe. You know what I mean? It's like the doubling the layer. Josie Reesman calls it Neo kayfabe is your. Your. It's this new understanding of the idea of kayfabe is now part of the kayfabe itself self. And we can do something. It's a. It's a inception. You're going another level deeper. Yeah. We come to Ouroboros and that's where we are now in modern wrestling is this is Ouroboros of weirdness and people. I could go into it. That's Folks, you've heard that rant. I'm not gonna do it again. So. Yeah. But yeah, it's that kind of thing and it's very interesting that we've gotten to. To this. The this of it all. Oh God, I totally lost. I think we managed to fully tangent to the point where I lost. What the. I was. [01:31:09] Speaker A: We were talking about Shawn Michaels's interview. [01:31:11] Speaker B: Oh God. [01:31:12] Speaker A: That's. [01:31:13] Speaker B: We're talking about Sean's interview. Yeah, we. Our tangent went as long as the interview. Basically. That's all you need to know. [01:31:21] Speaker A: Like this is a lot of fun. [01:31:25] Speaker B: But yes. Good. I'm happy you. You are. We're not even done with the episod. We're almost there. But you're welcome back. But yes. They. Sean wraps this whole thing up by saying that him and Diesel make good friends, but better enemies. They're setting up him versus Diesel. And actually the next in your house is called in your house good friends better enemies. And he says that he's gonna eat some chin music and get his face danced on. Needless to say, patrons come around for the next in your house. And but it's this also kind of. This is the last arc for Diesel because Diesel is. Is going to be leaving very soon after this and starting the NWO in wcw. We're. We're f. We're getting there folks. We are. We are very close to. To when all of this one of. [01:32:13] Speaker A: The note was like yeah so during this whole interview, right, you've got. They're, they're. They're talking a. You know, everything that happened yesterday, the stuff that's coming in the future. And the thing that, like, kept laughing about was you've got, like, Lawler on the mic at the ringside talking. [01:32:33] Speaker B: Right. [01:32:34] Speaker A: But he's talking at Michaels. [01:32:37] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [01:32:39] Speaker A: But like, the note that we wrote down was, do you know he can't hear you? [01:32:43] Speaker B: No, I don't think he does. [01:32:46] Speaker A: And I'm expecting, like, some calling response, but there's. He's not getting any because Michaels is standing in the middle of a ring with, you know, 20,000 people all screaming. And he's got his own whatever going on, talking into a microphone so he can hear himself on his monitor. And he can hear him just laughing because he just. He sounds like he's doing a mystery science thing. Like, it sounds like just adding commentary to nothing he's written. [01:33:18] Speaker B: Yeah. He's. He's riff tracking a interview. It's. It's so sad. [01:33:23] Speaker A: There could be some fun back and forth there. [01:33:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:33:28] Speaker A: Or anything. So he has no idea what's going on. [01:33:30] Speaker B: But they're trying to do it for him because they're setting up that for some reason he gets a title shot next week. And I'm already just like, I don't. I don't want to. I really. Okay, so that leaves. And back from commercial, Doc Hendricks is. Sounds like he's actually literally phoning in, but he's phoning in a raw QVC to tell us they're selling Shawn Michael championship Matt plaques, selling a piece of the mat from WrestleMania. And I begrudgingly have to admit that's cool. As I want one. I was like, actually, that's actually pretty rad. Yeah. Right. That's actually pretty sweet. If anyone wants to go on ebay and find me that, that's cool. But then we get a brief look at Hawk Bradshaw. I. They call him Justin Hawk Bradshaw. I'm just gonna call him jbl because that's what he goes by now. And it's what I think of him as. Or jibble. But, like, I hate him. He's not a good dude. Piece of. Not the greatest wrestler. But before that, we get. I didn't mention it before, but for the second time. Ed Begley Jr. Loved character act. Loved character actor Ed Begley Jr. Like, is that. [01:34:46] Speaker A: So that was. That was one of our many notes. Recurring thing. [01:34:53] Speaker B: No. [01:34:53] Speaker A: Or is that just for my episode? [01:34:56] Speaker B: No, that. That from what I could put together because I too was like, hey, awesome. What the are you doing here? My guy? What are you doing here? [01:35:06] Speaker A: Bagley Jr. On his bicycle. [01:35:08] Speaker B: Yeah. But apparently it was the first time. [01:35:11] Speaker A: It's like, wait, what's that Egg baker? I'm watching a 15 year old episode. 20 year old episode of. Of WWF. So I'm not gonna pause and rewind. [01:35:21] Speaker B: Yeah. Like wait a minute. That couldn't actually be just like crossing my mind. [01:35:26] Speaker A: Like wait, what's that egg? Ed Bagley Jr. What's that? No, there's no way. Let's keep watching this episode. [01:35:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:35:34] Speaker A: Wait, that's Ed B. [01:35:38] Speaker B: But I think he was just. This was just for you because it's April Fool's Day and, and we love mox and I think about being like. [01:35:48] Speaker A: A local TV reporter. [01:35:49] Speaker B: He's promoting an April Fool's special for some sort of show that he must have been involved with that I have no idea about. I. [01:35:58] Speaker A: This is no idea. [01:36:00] Speaker B: Really confusing. Like what the. I. I was. I'm always happy to see him. I mean, that's fine. Like you can show up in my wrestling more Ed Begley. That's fine. But then it's Stan, right? The match itself though, it's our main event for Stan Larry at Life before. [01:36:19] Speaker A: Before we get to it. [01:36:20] Speaker B: Oh, the other thing. [01:36:21] Speaker A: I thought the Milton Bradley Karate Fighters ad. [01:36:25] Speaker B: Oh, we'll get there. We'll get there. Yes. I was gonna bring this up, make. [01:36:29] Speaker A: Sure that those get touched on. [01:36:31] Speaker B: Oh yeah. It was Slam of the week. [01:36:33] Speaker A: Everything is amazing. [01:36:34] Speaker B: Yeah, everything about it. So good. So, yes, it's JBL versus Undertaker. Blah blah blah. It's one of those matches where I hate both combatants as a human and I both. That they. I just hope they both get hurt. Hurt. That'd be great. I am kind of jealous of Bradshaw's ponytail though. But then more importantly, Milton Bradley's Karate Fighter Slam of the week. Oh, I wanted them so bad. All right. [01:37:01] Speaker A: I mean, because they were like a kind of an MMA rock and sock and robot. [01:37:06] Speaker B: Yeah, right. It was Rockham Sock and robots. But they could kick. Yeah. Because. And it was actually a really cool mechanic in my mind because like one of the. Where. All right, so I don't know how young of listeners. Listen, if you're under 18, you shouldn't be here. If you're under 27, I'm giving you side eye. So like the. If. If you understand this, the Rockam Sockum robot, you got the. These two robots in a boxing ring and they're. They're. Both of their legs are Stuck in place. And it's just you hit buttons that make a real easy mechanical thing where the fist goes out and punches. And if you manage to hit the opponent robot on the chin just right, it knocks it off the spring and it bounces up and you win. Right. So the, the. Yeah, the Karate fighter, only one leg is attached and the other one gesticulates wildly on a. On a joint. So it's not kicking so much as flailing. I want them so I want to like, I, I gotta, gotta know how. [01:38:13] Speaker A: Much they are on ebay. [01:38:14] Speaker B: Oh God. But I'm sitting here thinking like Kovid, because I bet you I could go to like savers and if I went to enough savers I would find karate kids. I know this. I've been to enough of them. But the actual slam of the week is gold dust. At WrestleMania driving a gold Cadillac into known human stayed Roddy Piper. And to this I say good for her. Good on you. That deserves Flav of the week. [01:38:43] Speaker A: It's a gold Cadillac is giving it a lot of. You're really giving a lot of credit. It was not very much gold so much as it was like rattle can brass. [01:38:54] Speaker B: Yes. I actually know for a fact they, they went to. So it's kind of a funny story the whole that we talked a bit about it on our WrestleMania patreon.comff pod if you want to hear us talk about it more. But there's a lot that goes in into this match which ended up just being a hate crime. But part of it, it was several hate crimes because part of it was the, the fact that they were going to do a car chase because they wanted to do O.J. simpson joke. And so in order to do that they had to go get two cars. So like they went and got Roddy Piper a brand new white Bronco. So that was like perfect for the bit brand spanking new. And they went and got whatever sedan like luxury looking like Buick Cadillac knockoff they could get and then spray painted it gold and dusty's like I got the end of this. Like damn it. I could have got a brand new Bronco. Instead I got this gold spray painted Cadillac pos too. [01:40:05] Speaker A: Like, like, you know, I used to do some spray when I was young. Like that is the, the lowest, lowest tier rattle can you can find. [01:40:15] Speaker B: Well, what you think they're going to spend money on this mox? Come on now. No, no, no, no. Vince has crimes to commit. [01:40:21] Speaker A: Come on. It's mostly brown. [01:40:24] Speaker B: Yeah, right. Oh my God. Most. Oh Jesus. So yeah, that, that Was fantastic. Which not so much. This match is just mostly forgettable. There's. It's Bradshaw doing power moves and Taker no selling. So, like, whatever it. It goes, pretty much ends with Taker doing a choke slam and. And the tombstone, which the crowd loves. You know, that's what they came for. They came to see Undertaker do his two moves, and he's about to end Bradshaw's undefeated streak. But what's this? Mox Mankind attacks Undertaker out of nowhere, ending the match in a DQ and beginning one of the feuds of my childhood. And one of the best feuds of the entire era. [01:41:07] Speaker A: Right? That's the last note we made, which was. Is this what sets up Hell in a Cell? Omg. [01:41:13] Speaker B: Yes. Like, two years later. And it sets up my mean, like, never really making normal friends ever again. In high school, in school, because I had a birthday party where I invited everyone over to watch that. That went super well. So, like, I'm. Because I love Mankind versus Taker. It's so good and in. Yeah, it's legendary. [01:41:41] Speaker A: Watch this episode. And like, because, like, slowly was realizing, you know, at the beginning, we're like, wait, they're talking about Mankind? Like, they've never seen mankind before. [01:41:49] Speaker B: Like, yep. [01:41:50] Speaker A: Holy. Are we, like, watching, like, the debut of mankind? And then slowly that becomes apparent that, like, holy. We're watching the debut of mankind. [01:41:58] Speaker B: And then. [01:41:58] Speaker A: But then, you know, the rest of the episode goes along. Goes along. And then you've got Undertaker and Undertaker's doing his thing. And again, one of those cultural osmosis. And you know, mentioned, like, had seen Undertaker dude, like, necromancing, like, all right, I can't wrestling seriously. Nor should you. [01:42:19] Speaker B: Nor should you. [01:42:21] Speaker A: And then you've got Undertaker's match. You've got, like, Paul Bear, like, walking around with his magic urn, like, looking concerning concerned the whole time. [01:42:29] Speaker B: Yeah. Mike Lindell looking just making noises. Yeah. [01:42:34] Speaker A: Like, it's great year for the ride. Like, whatever. And then, like, out of nowhere, here comes Mankind. Like, oh, my God. Not only is this mankind's first episode, but, like, this is it. [01:42:47] Speaker B: Like, this is the start. This is the start of the thing. [01:42:51] Speaker A: Like, this isn't just, like a thing that has happened. This is the thing. [01:42:55] Speaker B: And I've said it before on the show when talking about Undertaker, that Undertaker's six years basically into his career and as this gimmick, at least at this point. And, like, it's. The crowd loves him. But, like, it's stale. And you can kind of tell that it's stale. And, like, that's how I've been feeling watching these episodes is like, all right, it's kind of stale. And I remember, like, what, like, how was it that Undertaker managed to turn this stale character into a 30 year career at the one spot as this character? And it's Mankind. It's. It's Mick Foley. Without Mick, without what we just witnessed, the start of Taker wouldn't have had the career that he had. And is. [01:43:39] Speaker A: Yep, that makes sense. I mean, because. Yeah, because, you know, not only are we watching this thing and thinking like, oh, this is mankind's first episode, but then realizing, like, in real time, like, not only is this setting up hell in a cell, which of course is. You don't need to know wrestling to know that, like, one of the most famous copy posses or not copy pasta was like memes on Reddit. Is a dude just walking you down the line from nonsense into talking about hell in a cell? If, you know. [01:44:10] Speaker B: Really? I did not know that. That's amazing. That's amazing. [01:44:14] Speaker A: No, there's a, there's a Reddit user whose entire bit, and it is incredible, and one of the greatest people in the history of the Internet, like, seriously, oh, my God, we do bits all day and cannot come up with one better than this. Which is in what seems like very sincere paragraph text to a, you know, a post. And it'll start very sincere and let's like, you know, it's a picture of like a manatee doing whatever. And the reply will start with just like, you know, this is interesting because it's actually an Eastern, blah, blah, blah, manatee. And he, you know, and when you see them be, act and behave in this sort of way, and then like. And that will remind you of 1998 when plummeted 30ft in through the announcer's table or however he phrases it, it's always the same, same punchline. [01:45:08] Speaker B: Oh, my God. This is always. [01:45:11] Speaker A: Oh, my God, it's amazing. Every comment is always, you got me again. You got me again, you son of a. Because it looks and sounds so professional. So unless you were looking for his username or you're just like checking to the bottom, you're like roped in. You're leaning in like, okay, this is interesting information about this thing of whatever the this person is talk. And now he's talking about mankind, much like Bobby Heenan. He got me a million times. [01:45:41] Speaker B: And it's incredible to say nothing of the. The one of the most like used sentences for, for me on social media, which is just people when People imitate Jim Ross. They are specifically imitating him calling that match where he's pretty sure they murdered his friend Michael Foley. Like. Like, the. My God, they killed him. They broke him in half. Like everyone's always does the pack. Oh, they broke him in half. That's. That's from that match, like, because he lit. And that was. His actual real reaction was, oh, my God, they killed him. Because how could he not have died? How did he not die? We'll get there. All right, we're getting. We're getting years ahead of ourselves, folks. Okay. But, yes, needless to say, even just. [01:46:35] Speaker A: From, like, cultural osmosis, like, we know that happens. It starts here, but we know that it happens and had no idea that, like, not only was it, like, a long setup, but it was mankind's first episode starts this arc. It's not like a. Oh, these two characters exist for a while, and then eventually they develop a feud. It's like, boom, day one, I'm gonna. [01:47:00] Speaker B: Throw you off, right? Someday I'm going to kill you. Well, no, they. And. But that's on purpose. They brought Mick in because they needed a new, big monster heel for Taker. And I think the thing that people don't necessarily think of is that, like, Mick Foley's, like, a bigger dude. Like, he's taller. He is like, a bigger dude, bigger guy. And, like. And Taker's real big, and they're like, well, we need, like, a bigger guy who can work. And he showed us in that match. He'll throw himself around. It doesn't matter. He's a big guy, and he shows us here, like, this is all legendary, as is the running elbow off the apron that he fully hits to the floor on Taker, that was his finisher for years. And it's probably why he. His hips are so now, because he's. You're just throwing your hip at a cement floor repeatedly every night. [01:47:49] Speaker A: And, like, that's not healthy. [01:47:51] Speaker B: Yeah, it's not good. But it looked cool as hell. And Taker is actually selling it, which is new. And that's the thing. Like this. All of a sudden, here's this guy who. Who might actually be able to beat the Undertaker and make him feel pain. And, like, that was what they're missing. And so the reason that he starts boom, right away is because that's why he was brought in. They hired him specifically to have a feud with Taker, to try to get Taker out of this slump. And all they know is that we need a monster heel. We want him to be the baby face. So we need a monster heel to go against him. But who. [01:48:24] Speaker A: They did it. [01:48:25] Speaker B: Yeah, but, like, they wouldn't have if it wasn't Mick. Mick nailed it. Because, like, what do you do to be a monster heel against a literal undead Lich? How are you a monster to a monster? And Mick decided, well, I'm going to show you the monster of literally humanity and mankind. And I'm going to be a deeply traumatized. A deeply traumatized person who. Who. Who shows my love for the world by causing pain. Have a nice day. Like, I'm going to. He describes these horrible things he's gonna do to you and ends it with, have a nice day. And like, I've talked about before, like, one of the reasons that mankind was so important to me is that he. He was. He was clearly crazy. And like, I didn't. As a. As a kid, I didn't have the words for it, but I knew I was some sort of crazy, you know, I didn't know what you know, but. And they were leaning into that. But he did it because he's so good. Like you said earlier, like, Brando just coming in, like, really making you feel the torment that this guy has felt. And then later on, again, I didn't mean for this, but, you know, you're the. You're the first system that we've had on the show. And I bring you in on Foley's first night. Later, he does the Three Faces of Foley. So, like, I love when a plan I didn't have comes together. And like, that. That didn't start as a problematic 90s take on. On did and that sort of thing. It start. It started more as the. He had these different Personas that he could switch into. And. And. And like, they end up. They tried to explain it that way, but it never really. I feel like at the time, as I was watching it and now looking back on. Because I've looked back on some of that stuff because I love it so much. It didn't matter, and I don't think it really mattered to the fans. They didn't need him to be crazy. They just loved that he could go from mankind to Cactus Jack that do love because he was that good. And we just. We just as fans appreciated that he was so good that he could take the mask off and rip his shirt off and have the Cactus Jack shirt underneath. And Triple H looks like he's super scared and sells it. And that's the magic of wrestling, that he is scared because he changed his shirt Because. Because Mick Foley is so good that you actually believe that Cactus Jack is gonna murder you now. So, like, I. I love mankind so much, and I'm so happy you're here for this show. And it's just. But that's Raw. It was a roller coaster of emotion. I was sad, I was disgusted, I was disgusted again. I was sad again. I was happy again. [01:51:09] Speaker A: Like, it was fantastic. And, like, seriously, like, we're really glad we. We went nitro first, because ending on that particular match from Raw is. I mean, it was. It was really great. And just knowing, you know, just the foreknowledge of what comes next, you know. No, I was so jazzed not being a wrestling fan. Like, just knowing that this thing is going to happen, this incredible touchstone moment for everyone who was alive at that time of conscious age. You knew that that thing happened, right? Everyone talked about it at schools of that stuff day, and everyone pretended they saw it if they didn't. [01:51:58] Speaker B: Yep. It's still. [01:51:59] Speaker A: You heard about it before school, right? Like in, you know, third grade or whatever, you heard everyone talking about it before school, and by lunchtime, you're like, yeah, wasn't that wild? [01:52:13] Speaker B: And Mick. Mick talks about. It's still the number one thing People talk to him, ask him about when they meet him. They all. [01:52:18] Speaker A: What the else are you gonna ask him about? [01:52:21] Speaker B: Yeah, obviously. Oh, man, there's a million things to. [01:52:24] Speaker A: Ask him about, but, like, if you've got one minute to talk to Mick Foley. [01:52:28] Speaker B: Yeah. You're gonna want to ask him about. [01:52:31] Speaker A: That time that you were definitely dead. [01:52:34] Speaker B: Yeah. And I personally, like I said, I have a strong personal connection to that match because I watched it live in a very funny circumstance. And, like, and it was. And it. I just. It was so huge to me, and Mick was so huge to me, and I'm really looking forward to kind of doing a deeper. A deeper dive than I usually do. When we. We get to the. The lead up, how far out are. [01:52:56] Speaker A: Are we from that? [01:52:57] Speaker B: Oh, well, King of the Ring 1996 is coming up, which is when Stone Cold does the first Austin316 and really kicks off. Stone Cold being Stone Cold, that, I think, is a couple months from now. That's like maybe over a month. Month or two so from now. So it'd be two years from that. So we are literally like two years and a couple months from the. That flying off of the. Off the cage. But I mean it again, like, how can he not? And I. I'd say all that to say I. I want to move on from him because otherwise I will talk for an hour about that match and and I will talk for an hour about that match about two years and two months from now. So come back in the meantime we. [01:53:40] Speaker A: Got right Seriously would love. [01:53:43] Speaker B: Oh I should I I will totally bring you back for the lead up to that and you should totally be a guest on the Patreon when we do the watch party of the I think it's the 98 Royal Rumble where he. He enters the Royal Rumble three times. Once his mankind, once his cactus jacket, once his dude love. And it's. It is one of people. It's one of those things where like people sometimes like to on like goofy gimmicks and like supernatural gimmicks or things like that. There it. But the you can't. The crowd loses their because they know the execution is going to be so flawless and it is and it's. I watched that too. I was lucky enough to watch that too live as a kid because my parents had a good year in 98 and and it was, it was unreal. It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen in my entire life at that point. So come back for that. But before that I have two more questions. I asked folks at the end, did you have a favorite match of the week? [01:54:44] Speaker A: I mean the obvious answer is definitely the under like Mankind taken out the Undertaker at the end. [01:54:50] Speaker B: Technically not a match, but it's the highlight of it. I was gonna say my match of the week was Mankind match. [01:54:56] Speaker A: Hard to top that. It really is hard that I I. [01:55:00] Speaker B: Straight up, I think mine is just the Mankind match because like even though it was just him versus a a jobber Holly like he did y It's. [01:55:11] Speaker A: Like if that's not a match then tagging it back to just like anytime Mick Foley is on my television screen, I'm gonna pay attention. [01:55:19] Speaker B: And he like he knew how are you gonna enough. He knew he had to make an impression and he came out there and gave the 110%, you know, and he crushed it. It's so good. [01:55:30] Speaker A: Yeah. All the other match they all had their high points and low points. But I mean yeah, you got like match one of Rob was. I mean that was something else that was you know, didn't realize until like as it was going on I was like, oh, we're watching history right now. This is great. And oh wow. History lives up. [01:55:50] Speaker B: Yeah. Say that's the thing. It's not just like you're watching history, but it, it like it really it's, it's great to. Because I've had moments just. We're only 31 episodes into this adventure, but already I've had moments where I was like, I'm watching history. But it's whatever, you know, this was like, I'm watching history and I'm jazzed. Like, I am popping. [01:56:12] Speaker A: Yeah. We are leaning in and all of a sudden it's like, oh, okay, okay. Like, his. And probably wouldn't have been. I put into it live at that era. Right, because you couldn't get into, like. Because tried. Like, we tried. We really did. We had friends wrestling and we tried. And there were certain points where, again, like, mentioned. It's like, well, I can't believe in a necromancer, so I can't believe in any of this. Take any of this seriously. [01:56:42] Speaker B: Yeah. But they, they, they had me at gold dust, basically. I was like, wait a minute, you're telling me a guy can look like that? So you're telling me there's a chance later? Yeah, we, we joke about. There were always signs that Vince McMahon was a piece of, you know, like, as he says and does things there. It's like, oh, there were signs. But, yeah, I got that. That joke literally comes from me looking back on my life and looking back on my appreciation of wrestling and going, well, yeah, I'm a trans woman. There were signs. Like, you know, are you kidding me? [01:57:18] Speaker A: Obviously you've seen it. Like, we've made the joke a million times on Blue Sky. It's like, like, no, of course we're masculine as a, as a, you know, as a, you know, young boy and young man. Like all of our favorite masculine heroes, you know, David Bowie, Prince. [01:57:36] Speaker B: Yeah. You know, you know, Gold Dust, Shawn Michaels, who. I'm pretty, you know, only because I don't like him as a person. Do I not say, estrogen would have saved her because he doesn't deserve it? But yeah, like, other than that, absolutely. [01:57:53] Speaker A: Holy. Like, one of the most comfort fooding things is just watching any izard's dress to kill like hell. [01:58:00] Speaker B: Yeah. Yes. Oh, yes, Susie. [01:58:03] Speaker A: And then, like, think it back. [01:58:04] Speaker B: Like, oh, yeah. [01:58:05] Speaker A: That was like one of our favorite male role models. [01:58:08] Speaker B: No, see, no, I still get the first time I saw that, that. Oh, my God. I still, I said that on Blue sky recently. Like, I still use bits from that as lines against, like, it's because someone has said to me, like, are you wearing a woman's clothes? I'm like, no, I'm not wearing a woman's clothes. They're My clothes, I bought them. That's a Susie Izard line from like the early 90s. [01:58:35] Speaker A: Like, bought them. Like, what the are you talking about? [01:58:39] Speaker B: I bought them. You know, I'm like, yeah. [01:58:42] Speaker A: So the other question. [01:58:44] Speaker B: Right, the other question, though, I think that we. We. I think we're probably on agreement here because of whatever the happened in Nitro. I usually ask who won this week? I think Raw won this week. Yeah. In spite of itself. [01:59:00] Speaker A: Like, even if everything had gone right with Nitro this week. Raw one just from sheer, like, everything. [01:59:08] Speaker B: Again, because Mick Foley came out and. [01:59:09] Speaker A: Kicked out and also because. Cannot be objective. Right. We can't go back into 1996. Right. We can't go travel back in 1996 and not know what happened. Right? [01:59:25] Speaker B: Yes. [01:59:26] Speaker A: No matter what, we know what's coming. [01:59:29] Speaker B: Yes. I would never. That's not what this show is like. I want to, like, make that like, I'm not here to give you, like, like a. A clear analysis of. Of this entertainment and. And look and put in a rubric and do the science and say this was a ten star match. No, no, no, no. Silly. Made me pop and made me giggle and happy. That's it. Like, that's all. I can't wait. Whatever one is, whatever made me the happiest this week. And it was. [02:00:00] Speaker A: Yeah, across the board from. Yeah. I mean, from mankind doing mankind's thing to like, whatever the was going on with Triple H and Sable. Like, all of that was just weird. It's like I'm leaning in. I don't know know why. This is bizarre. [02:00:16] Speaker B: Did some. Even Chris Candido did pretty in a. In an awful match, you know, so it's like, even. Even though Bad stuff was still Chris Candido. So. Yeah. Thank you for coming this week for what was a really. [02:00:29] Speaker A: This was fantastic. [02:00:31] Speaker B: Excellent. It's just what a week. You really. I. I was gonna say you picked a good one, but you didn't pick. I drew. I drew you out of them. [02:00:38] Speaker A: I'm picking at all. We get it vaguely. So sweet. Let's go. [02:00:47] Speaker B: Sometimes people on Blue sky be like, how do I get on the podcast? I'm like, well, just from saying that I put you on the list. I mean, like, it's not hard. Being. [02:00:56] Speaker A: Being on the podcast is being to be a friend of the pod. [02:01:01] Speaker B: Yes, y'all are definitely friends of the pod. Yeah, absolutely. And like, oh, so good. So, yeah, you can definitely come back. And in the meantime, though, do you have anything you want to promote places for people to find you? You are an Amazing artist and people should go send. Send money and buy stuff from you. We have a coffee mug from you. [02:01:25] Speaker A: Yeah. Americhops at Moxiest Art. So M O X I S T dot art, fun typewriter things. If you follow us on Blue sky, we're at Moxius Art and, you know, kind of walking that line between fun art and shitposts and angry leftist ranting. So. [02:01:51] Speaker B: Yes, that, that I. I walk the line. Indeed. Yes. Yeah. Awesome. Everyone go do the things. Go follow Mox. Go give Mox money. Go enjoy Mox's art. Every week there's a Craig, sometimes there's elephants. There's serious to you, and it's all. [02:02:08] Speaker A: Good elephants every morning. I mean, at the very least, if nothing else, you will see a doodle of an elephant every morning and it will make your day. [02:02:17] Speaker B: Or not. Yes. [02:02:18] Speaker A: Who knows? [02:02:18] Speaker B: You inspired us to make a Garrick elephant that one time. That was fun. [02:02:22] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:02:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:02:23] Speaker A: You. You've subbed in for us, and that's fantastic. [02:02:26] Speaker B: Everybody's got an elephant on occasion. [02:02:29] Speaker A: It's great. [02:02:30] Speaker B: It's good. And. And thank y'all for hanging out and listening to us for 31 episodes now. It's really weird. Thank y'all for dealing with the weirdness of. We switch. I gotta talk about. We switch podcast hosts and like, it's been confusion with the old feed and some people aren't getting new episodes. It should be mostly worked out now. I highly recommend that if you followed us on your podcatcher before to unfollow us and then research in your podcatcher for the show and refollow us. And that should be the new feed if you're having trouble. So a little bit of housekeeping. I don't normally have to do housekeeping. I'm sweeping up here because we. We made a mess getting out of Pinecast. I. I like the new host a lot better, but. But this has been like other things, though. On top of that, speaking of podcasts, we are part of a podcast network called Ghost Coast Studios, and it's a podcast network that me and co workers at Ghost Coast Video are. I have started and lots of famously former podcasters who will still podcast. A lot of people know wonderful ships poster Kennedy Cooper, friend of the pod and also my kind of boss. All has a new podcast out for our network. Just got released this week. I am. They released five episodes right away and I'm episode number four. So I want to make sure to give a plug. It's called. It's called the most important Election of our lives. You know this, the concept is, you know, they tell us to vote and they tell us to vote and only vote. So they, the people at most important election ever lives have decided they're going to lean into it and we are now voting every week. We are never not voting. So in order to make that happen, they take fictional characters and real life politicians and place them into hypothetical elections against each other election scenarios and see how it goes. The episode I was on was we took real life wrestling politicians or wrestlers that became politicians versus the Addams Family. It was fantastic. I highly recommend it. There's been some good ones. There's Political dynasties versus King of the Hill with Donovan from Radio Free Topeg also go check them out. So it's a good time. There will be more stuff coming out every week. Again, I'm, I'm biased because I was on it and also I edit the damn thing so. But go check out. It's on all the pop places. It's been super fun making that and I'm excited that's finally out. It's. It's always fun when you have a job where your, your, your boss, you come to your boss and you say, hey, I. I found a really good theme song for your election show. Kind of sounds like, like Westwing Orchestral Pomp and Circumstance. And they're like, yeah, that's great. And then they listen to it and they go, what if there was a trap beat? And I was like, you know, I can actually do that. I love my job. [02:05:36] Speaker A: Sometimes everything gets more exciting with a trap beat. [02:05:40] Speaker B: Yes. Yeah. Even West Wing politics. So go check that. [02:05:45] Speaker A: Sitting around in the office and someone's like, hey, you know the lavender town theme from Pokemon? Yeah, like I put a trap beat to it. Let's listen to that. And that was just the soundtrack of the day. [02:05:58] Speaker B: I need that in my veins. That, that. Not even kidding. That sounds amazing. But yes, fantastic. Go check that out. And also you can of course as always find us on Blue sky because we live there at Mnff Pod B Social. Not even. I was going to say, do I even mention the Instagram? No, I've been talking on it. I don't. I'm. I. It's still there because they make it so hard to delete. But I'm never updating it again. Them Zuck A. But if you do want to join us, the Patreon where we do watch parties of the pay per views and occasionally extended interviews, things like that. Sometimes people, we get together and talk and we just after a while where we have so much things to talk about besides these two episodes of wrestling, we'll. We'll do a little more, you know, so that kind of stuff. That'[email protected] NFF Pod oh, what an outro. I had so many things to tell you about. Otherwise, we will see y'all next time. Again, thank you for being here. For more raw vs nitro on Monday night, Fake Fights. [02:07:09] Speaker A: Ghost Co Studios. Thanks for listening.

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